Can you guess what’s the crime here?

by NoNo_Cilantro


  1. toastedstoker

    Crust is high quality, poor cheese distribution but this is on par with a true classic margarita pizza from Napoli where it was invented. The cheese doesn’t cover the entire pie, but it would never be sliced like this there, you eat with fork and knife

  2. squashqueen

    Thats like 1/16th the amount of sauce and cheese needed for a pizza.

  3. TeaandandCoffee

    Looks fine, delicious even

    Not a crime, next case please

  4. space_is-great

    How can you fuck up a pizza that badly, i mean God danm I can still see the tomato growing, and the dough might aswell still be wheat

  5. RalphTheNerd

    Very little basil and it’s in the center instead of distributed throughout the pizza.

  6. Phillibustin

    That’s just a different dish than pizza

  7. Barewithhippie

    Im going to assume you mean that there’s hardly any cheese?
    Personally I’d still demolish this pie, and I’m surprised it’s on this sub. Maybe you’re a cheesy kind of guy

  8. megamoo7

    For me its too much crust and too little cheese coverage, and too much uncovered sauce. It looks like someone dumped a handful of cheese in the middle and didn’t spread it and chucked it in the oven.

    Nine slices… so maybe a stolen piece. If you’re going to get creative with an odd number of slices sure but you have to get the basics right.


    Why yall downvote, ain’t none of us figured it out. Shit I said spinach. Go vote this man’s answer up.

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