1952 Blender cookbook with Prune Cake

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  1. inserttext1

    A book from the 50s about all the things you can do with the brand new amazing invention known as the blender. Included is the absolute “best” recipe from the cookbook. I plan on making it soon.

  2. scarpit0

    I am so curious about what recipes are listed on pages 180 – 191 about “Salads, blender made”! Also would love to know how the prune cake turns out!

  3. snowbythesea

    I have this book – it’s unintentionally hilarious and one of my favorites. Not to cook from, though!

  4. keemunwithmilk

    My mother has made prune cake for a very long time, and she uses baby food puréed prunes. I imagine the blender recipe is the same concept. I’m sure it will be delicious.

  5. colorfullydelicious

    I would love any of the cookie recipes!

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