Decided to deal hop today and take advantage of the mcdonalds myselection promo meal. Large meal for 5.90 euro (i saved 6.70 using this promo code). this burger was created by joe bastianich. The burger has a pear/mustard sauce mixture, grilled onion, Parmigiano cheese petals, fancy lettuce, italian salami slices, big beef patty, all on a 'fancy' sesame seed bun. Honestly i had been curious about this burger before i saw a promo, because i was wondering how pear sauce works on a burger, and in my opinion it doesnt. The flavors dont blend well together at all. Its not gross, but i would absolutely not order this burger again, not even for this discounted price. I would enjoy a classic mcdouble way more. Dont get me wrong, i enjoy new burger combinations, but this wasnt one of them.

by c00lgirlstella


  1. c00lgirlstella

    Disclaimer: i did finish the entire meal, and i am very full and satisfied, but still disappointed the burger wasnt more of a “hit”. All the items on this burger are things i enjoy, but together wasnt a good mix.

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