Hi everyone,

It's been a week since I have transplanted my cucumber and zucchini and since then, they have not been growing. I don't know if it's because they got sunburn or if it's just a transplant shock, the leaves seem to be pretty healthy , they are not yellowish and not dropping (the holes are the result of my cat doing). I'm very worried as I saw that cucumber and zucchini doesn't like to be transplanted but we didn't have any pot when we sow them so we did with what we had at the time. If anybody knows what is happening, it would be very helpful.

Thank you in advance !

by AlpsBeneficial4041


  1. echelon_01

    Are they still indoors? How much light are they getting? How moist is the soil? And how big are their containers?

  2. InternationalYam3130

    Transplanting zucchini in particular is difficult, they have a very delicate tap root system that if damaged stunts them. I dont transplant them for this reason and only direct seed into their permanent home

    that could be what happened BUT it can also just be normal transplant behavior. Sometimes the plant is focusing on growing new roots into all its extra space that you cant see and it will explode with new visible growth soon.

    since the leaves look healthy, all you should do is keep treating it well and hope it recovers haha. Its not dying so that points towards the 2nd scenario to me.

  3. Comfortable-Fly5797

    How big are those pots? They don’t look very big and you don’t have them that full.

  4. Ok-Eggplant-1649

    The soil is so dry it’s pulling away from the pot. Maybe water more frequently.

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