Wondering how to make vegan Alfredo? This is the easiest vegan Alfredo dishes you’ll ever make! I love tiny house living and showing different ways of living on and off the grid. It only takes minutes to create and the taste is perfect!

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hey y’all it’s will edmond also known as plant daddy and i’m so happy that you’re here if you missed my first video of the review of this beautiful tiny house i am in make sure you go ahead and check out that video but right now you’re in my kitchen well it’s not my kitchen but it’s an airbnb and we’re cooking some creamy vegan alfredo pasta it’s gonna be so delicious but you gotta watch the whole entire video in order to get the full recipe so i got my pasta here got my water already boiling and then i got all my ingredients like garlic parsley lemon some nutritional yeast some exotic black peppercorn what you know about that peppercorn first thing about this is that we’re gonna have to make some creamy alfredo sauce and how we’re gonna make this creamy alfredo sauce is most a little bit different than how you would make it because we’re not gonna soak our cashews overnight basically i’m gonna boil them right here in this water and then i’m gonna make my pasta mixed all all up in there together and put some parsley in it and boom we got some baby i got a cup of unsalted unroasted cashews i’m gonna put them in the hot water i’m gonna let that boil for about 10 to 12 minutes not too soft because we’re gonna make our sauce with this and as our cashews are barling what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go ahead and put my fettuccine in my our place pot now this is one of my favorite companies right here these pots are amazing and this is not sponsored so what i’m gonna do i’m gonna put my pasta in my hot water i’m gonna let that boil down in there put it in there just like that baby put it in there just like that and i did salt my pasta water pasta’s getting ready see it’s getting a little tender cashews are getting soft and make sure whenever you’re cooking watch your heat you know some people whenever you cook you’ll be so in a hurry to eat eat so you you turn it all the way up and your food is burning then you’re mad and you’ve got anything to eat so always remember slow and low like a song slow and low so some of your cashews are going to start floating so you can tell that they almost ready and see they’re breaking apart and then we’re just going to blend these up in a blender with our herbs and our spices and put it with our pasta i just taste one of these it’s soft already so i know it’s ready to go in my blender okay the blender is going to make it fine and i’m going to add some spring water to it to give it that liquid consistency in our spices and our herbs and that’s all we’re gonna do we’re gonna be finished all right so now i gotta strain my cashews here here we go spraying these real quick steamy baby before you pour out all of your water from your cashews you want to reserve about a half a cup of this water in order to put it in your blender all right so our cashews are finished what we’re going to do we’re going to add these cashews to our blender right here and then next what i’m going to add about a fourth of a cup of olive oil so you can measure if you want to but i measure it by sight and then what we’re going to do we’re going to add three or four garlic cloves but i minced mines i chopped mines up then you’re gonna squeeze about half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice then nutritional yeast that’s gonna give you the flavor that we like that we need that uh cheesy creamy taste that we love two tablespoons of just nutritional yeast boom then i’m gonna add a tablespoon half a tablespoon of the fine garlic powder then we’re going to add half a cup of that hot water we had left over from my cashews smelling it smells so good right now then i’m gonna sprinkle about one teaspoon of fine mediterranean sea salt and then some exotic black pepper it says exotic i’m not playing it’s exotic black pepper we’re going to get that flavor to pop go ahead and go ahead and blend this up [Music] so you want it to be creamy like that so i added a little bit more olive oil and to give it a little creamy texture [Music] very smooth creamy flavors are very balanced that’s going to be good when mixing the pasta and put a little parsley on it let’s go ahead and take it over there you want to go ahead and reserve some of your pasta water as well so if you want to thin your sauce out afterwards you can have some of this pasta water left over because it already has the salt in it so it’s already seasoned water as we would say we’re going to go ahead and strain our fettuccine [Music] strain the excess water for my pasta pasta is finished boiling i got my sauce right there that creamy vegan alfredo sauce so what i’m gonna do i’m gonna add a little bit pasta at a time go ahead and put that nice fettuccine back in there i’ll put about two tongue fulls back in there in there and then i’m gonna add the sauce back to my pot all right so i’m gonna add my alfredo sauce to my pasta now that’s what you call creamy so i’m basically gonna do them take my tongs then i’m gonna add a little bit of this reserved pasta water just a little bit not too much to get that the creaminess in there that we love you see how that this is just like alfredo and what i like to do i like to go ahead and add a little bit more of this uh black peppercorn exotic black peppercorn to it that looks really good then what we’re going to do is going to sprinkle a little parsley on it oh yeah there we go that’s the magic whenever you do it like that you put your hand up right there when you’re in the kitchen cooking you want to have like a gourmet meal put your hand up and let your herbs and things just fall in there ah this is a good old southern italian cooking doesn’t that look good look at that it looks delicious creamy vegan alfredo my plant daddy let’s get into it [Music] oh yeah that’s good i hope you enjoyed this video here in my kitchen with plant daddy if you love my recipes go ahead and comment below like and subscribe and if you want to see the review of this beautiful tiny house here in south carolina go ahead and watch the video too until next time i’ll see you in the kitchen or i’ll see you on adventure peace


  1. Hey Will! What do you recommend for someone who has a nut allergy as a replacement for the cashews in this recipe?

  2. God loves you guys! Know that if you ever want that secure pillow feeling to be nestled up from the world, high above the clouds; close your eyes, and call on Jesus, and talk to Him just like a Person because He is. He is anything we can need: Father, mother, Bestie, etc. He's with you. And I am sorry if you're going through a rough time right now, I pray everything will work out. Talk to God in the meantime.

    With love and peace, Bri.

  3. Omgeeee watched this video 30mins ago made the sauce baaaabbbbbyyyyyyyyy I’m in love 🥰😋. I will eat Alfredo pasta everyday with this recipe lol
    Thank you 😊

  4. I love your energy, vibes, dancing, herb sprinkling, magical kitchen essence. I will be back for all you have to offer. Thank you for being so lovely! And thanks for this recipe ♥️

  5. Tell me why I was looking for this video and typed “plant daddy” 😂 lolll could not find it for the life of me

  6. Creamy vegan alfredo pasta (writen version)

    Boil a cup of unsalted/unroasted cashews for 10-12 minutes.

    cook pasta (salt water).

    strain cashews (reserve 1/2 cup of cashew water).

    add cashews, 1/4 cup of olive oil, 3 garlic cloves (minced), 1/2 tsp of fresh lemon, 2 tbsp nutritional yeast, 1/2 tbsp of fine garlic powder, cashew water, 1 tsp of Mediterranean Sea salt, and some exotic peppercorn into a blender and blend until creamy (add a bit more olive oil to get creamy texture).

    strain pasta (reserve some pasta water).

    combine pasta and sauce (add some pasta water to thin out sauce if too clumpy).

    plate with minced parsley and enjoy! 😊😊
    (Thank me later)


  8. So… My GF is a professional pole dance performer / instructor
    Would LOVE to see a meal plan version of this and similar that would be “cheap” yet most nutritional and good for strength building.

    In die Bandnudeln Alfredo, gehört kein Knoblauch.
    Durch vegane Butter und vegane Parmesan, muss man eine Creme bilden während man die Pfanne ständig schwenkt.

  10. I like roasting real garlic – like garlic confit- in the oven w oil until the garlic in light brown and then pureeing everything w the cashews instead of adding just oil and garlic powder. It just adds an extra oomph! And if you can afford it, roasted kampot white pepper is awesome! Add in dried basil, thyme, and oregano + a little bit of lemon juice and you got the best alfredo sauce possible.

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