Is this too many peppers?

by TexasBaconMan


  1. pesciasis

    Someone would say that you have a problem. But often they’re the ones having problems.

    On serious note this year i also overdone a bit. Due to lack of confidence in my gardening abilities I overseeded a bit and after a month i had around 100 seedlings of different peppers, but due to limited space i was prepared to keep 5-7 plants at the max.

    So… currently most of my colleagues and family members have at least few pepper plants…

  2. Williamshitspear

    It looks like too many peppers for the space you got. But that’s a very easy solution 😀 just buy more space for peppers

  3. ZtephenGrackus

    I did the same this year. Peppers for everyone! I probably gave away like 15+ plants.

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