Howdy folks

I’ve seen people looking for easy foods to grill, and IMO chicken thighs are great.

Marinated in green yogurt, chimichurri, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, olive oil.

Started them off on the bottom rack, about 30cms/1ft away from the flame. Bone side down.

Put them skin side down on the top rack to allow the top side to cook.

Transferred to bottom rack and “kissed” the skin side with direct flames



Served with kimchi and potato salad.

by JuniorPB33


  1. Early-Possession1116

    That’s the best part of the chicken

  2. Mister_MxyzptIk

    Those thighs look burnt.

    Which is just how I fucking love to eat them.

    Carcinogens schmarcinogens, you just cannot beat the taste of some deliciously charred meat

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