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by Paboozorusrex

1 Comment

  1. Paboozorusrex

    I’m sad because I typed everything and it disappeared.

    Recipe is :

    -500gr of bread flour (I usually mix 420gr of bread flour and 80gr of spell (?) flour)

    -360gr of water

    -90 to 120gr of levain, I use more in the winter

    -13gr of salt

    This time around I did an autolyse, after 30min I added the levain, mixed it well then added the salt, waited 30min then started to stretch and fold every 20min – 3 times total.

    Let it bulk ferment in the oven with the light on for 4 hours or so then shaped and put back to ferment for 40min in the oven. I put it in the fridge for 10 /11 hours and then baked at 250°C for 25 min or and then lowered to 235°C for the remaining 10min.

    I use a pizza steel and I add boiling water at the bottom of my oven.

    My 4 or 5 last loaves were rather flat (but still got nice crumbs) so I was kinda disappointed but it was probably due to season’s change and also I used walnuts. This time around I didn’t add anything to the bread and i’m back to my usual great -to me- loaf.

    I feed my levain once every 10 days or so and always 1:2:2. This time around I actually fed it for 3 days to strengthen it but usually I just feed it thrice and then use it.

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