Perfect appetizer recipe for your summer gatherings! #appetizers #summer #yummyfood #easyrecipe

Mistie & Kyle share quick & easy recipes, with a dash of magic and a hint of humor!

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  1. I've been told that spraying the measuring cup used for honey or anything else sticky will let the sticky stuff just come out easily.

  2. Just wanted to let you know, “Cage Free” eggs sounds great but it’s bogus. It means the hens are piled in to this huge place with a tiny doorway to the outside, which few can actually manipulate their way to. Vital eggs is the way to go. The hens are actually cage-free and roam the farmland freely. I buy Vital Organic because the hens aren’t being fed GMO feed. It costs me $10 for a dozen but it’s worth it. If you get true, organic, cage-free eggs, it’s so much more healthy. And yes…you’re always asking if Organic is better? Absolutely! If you stop to realize what is in non-organic food, you’d be shocked.

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