Hey all, recently got a steel duo plus and it's been great with coffee and steaming but I suspect the machine is getting very hot. Am attaching some photos here with temperature readings. Do you think this is too hot or is this normal and your machines are like this too??

My first proper machine after Dedica so no experience with any other brand or machines.

As you can see the Steam Wand metal gets very hot when steaming is on and stays hot afterwards. I can touch it but can't keep my hand there for more than a few seconds.

The cup warmer reaches close to 60 degrees Celsius. And the supposed cool touch steam wand is reaching almost 72 degrees Celsius.

Is this normal?

by AccomplishedBand7097


  1. startedat52

    Remove the towel on top of the machine. Espresso machines with boilers get hot.

    Edit: Espresso machines get hot.

  2. baristandie93

    This is normal but it needs airflow or it’ll overheat. Remove the towel and don’t keep it under a cabinet. Also this is a nice place to keep cups warm!

  3. There is a cup warmer built into the top of the machine. It’s designed so you can pre heat cups there. If you cover that up, all that heat will sink into the machine and cause everything to heat up.

  4. Background_Net_6548

    the cup warming tray uses an electronic heating element that is always on. you can see this if you look at the underside of the tray.

  5. europoorboy

    Open the top and unplug the cup warmer pad – that’s what I did. Cups still get warm – but not hot anymore

  6. AccomplishedBand7097

    Got it. Thanks for your inputs everyone. From what I see from the comments I have to remove the towel from the top of machine and or disconnect the heating plate. I will try and report back. Thanks again all.

  7. Beautiful_Owl_1105

    Meanwhile my Bambino is too cold to touch in winter.

  8. felixg123

    Aside from this issue, how are you finding the machine? I’m very tempted but I saw a few reports of the duo (non plus) rattling. Do you experience this?

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