Has anyone tried a heating pad around the bowl to speed up the proof?

by beckawife


  1. beckawife

    This is a bagel recipe that is to set at room temp for 12 hours. I placed the heating pad at “warm” which is lower than low.

  2. It works for me, but it also makes the timing more critical. It is easy to go over.

  3. inkling435

    Not a heating pad, but I use a seed starting mat all the time in the winter. It keeps the temperature at about 70-72. It’s great!

  4. Thereisnospoon64

    I use a bread mat, which is basically a heat pad except I can set the temp.

  5. world-execute-me

    I like to use a heating blanket 🤭🤭

  6. Cooking_pancetta

    Omg I do it for winter time and it works wonders. One time it with too warm water and almost baked some of the dough.

  7. YoureSpecial

    I put a big cup of very hot water in the microwave and put the dough in with it. Nice and warm and moist.

  8. reality_raven

    Sourdough bread gets its chewy crumb, crisp crust, and open crumb because of slow fermentation…

  9. Interesting_Ad_587

    Anything will do if you watch so it doesn’t ovenproof

  10. I use a reptile mat and I can dial in what temp I want.

  11. I use a pet warming pad.. the cat didn’t like it so I took it from her lol. Of course I wiped it down and covered with a towel lol

  12. JazzinoVa

    I usually just put it in the oven with the light on. Never gone wrong

  13. technohippie

    I have a mini oven with a ferment feature, keeps it at 75 and it grows so fast!

  14. No-Cause-1046

    I keep mine in the microwave to keep it warm and I often use a heating pad when it’s cold. I don’t have a fancy one, just fabric and rice.

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