I feel this is the end game for me, the bambino is a great gateway machine but the Silvia Pro X is unbelievable.

I'm off my tits on espresso currently but when I come down I'm sure I will still be in love with it!

by Ok_Swimmer4612


  1. hunched_monk

    Yeah I’m happy with the bambino for just everyday coffee. Does the rancilio taste markedly bette?

  2. Melodic_coala101

    Grinder doesn’t look endgame to me

  3. Sweet setup and colour scheme, im a sucker for peg boards. 

  4. WorkingPineapple7410

    Hell yea. Did you upgrade from the stock portafilter?

  5. Cabinet is cool. Is it a vintage locker or made to look like one?

  6. Nice… I have had the single boiler Silvia with PID and 9 Bar OPV adjustment for several years and recently have migrated more to espressos than lattes now that I have really dialed in my shot output (lattes with syrup can cover up a lot of imperfections). In my case, with an espresso machine controlled by a dialed-in PID, 90%+ of success is related to the grinder… I have a Baratza Setti wi, so I constantly have 18g of grinds in my double shot… but based on level of beans in hopper and age of beans (even just days) the grind size is affected, which affects pour output. Consistently dialing in 34g-38g output with a 25 second pour, after pre-infusion has taken a lot more knowhow than I ever expected even though timing, measurement and beans remain constant. The only variables are bean age and quantity of beans in the hopper, which I now try to keep at a minimum, without running it out during grinding. If I were to fill the hopper all the way and spend a week pouring shots from it without changing grind size, my 25 second output could vary as much as 25g+ from my same 18g of grinds…. it is kind of crazy. I can better appreciate why some would migrate to a single shot grinder. I won’t even talk about all my Airscape containers…

    While I have considered $3k-$6k espresso machines I think grind management is really key, and I’m not sure a super pricey machine would add that much value if the grind is [not] perfected… when my Setti goes, I almost assuredly will replace it with an Etzinger.

    In summary, Rancillio’s are fantastic machines that likely can last a lifetime and can produce amazing output once the bean grind is perfected.

  7. BagEndBarista

    How hard was it to decide the colors? Like, picking white and black machine instead of double white/double black?

  8. Cocoapuffiez

    If there’s anyone local in SF I’m selling a brand new Silvia pro or profitec pro 600! Got both as a wedding present and looking to let go of one locally 🙂

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