Wife bought a few bottles..

by Shoubiaonna


  1. Spicy_toad

    Looks like all standard stuff from grocery store.

  2. BinkyBoy_07

    Looks like you’re all set for the next half decade and I say this as someone who uses a lot of sauce lol

  3. soft_Rava_Idli

    I am not sure why anyone needs this large variety of same product. Different brands have different tastes and flavours sure. But this looks like ALL the brands and flavours available in the whole city.

    Am not saying you dont need all this… but why exactly does one need ALL of these.? Genuinely curious.

  4. Sammy_Jo_in_da_house

    This reminds me of the birthday gift I got of 32 mini bottles of hot sauce from Walmart lol

  5. TriumphDaytona

    The only one I’ve had, out of those, is the Nandos Garlic, I think you will like it.

  6. ZombifiedRacoon

    Secret Aardvark Habanero is so good. It’s probably my favorite.

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