It had a pipette of olive oil stuck in the Burrata when it arrived, photo post drizzle

by Excellent-Area6009


  1. dumpcake999

    it looks weird to me (deconstructed). I would maybe not eat it. I’ve always heard that (from friends who visited Italy), that their pizza is not like ours at all.

  2. SloppyMeathole

    I’m not sure what that is; I hope it’s not pizza or the Italians have lost the right to make it.


    I’m in Argentina atm, the pizzas there remind me of a biscuit covered in cheese. It’s looks so bad that not even the German and British could invent it if they worked together.

  4. space_cheese1

    Looks good, I don’t get the people saying it looks bad/strange, and there’s so much variety of pizza in Italy

  5. lmay0000

    This wouldnt be any of my things to do in italy

  6. Estebananarama

    I’ve worked for a few Italian chefs in the day (I’m American) but that looks like a pizza to me. One of the most famous pizzas at this really popular restaurant where I’m from in Georgia is 100% Italian owned and it’s a pears and wine with some soft cheese pizza. It was delicious.

    But the ingredients on that alone are very Italian. Prosciutto, buratta, olive oil and arugula at least.

  7. Evanecent_Lightt

    I’m a simple man.. Just give me a classic margherita

  8. Cryogenic_Monster

    I bet that’s extremely good. Ignore all the pizza haters who haven’t tried one like this.

  9. dezmar93

    Looks good! Where in Vipiteno? Pizzeria Kolping?

  10. BlueberryAlive4070

    It looks great but how am I supposed to eat this lol

  11. Looks fantastic. I bet that buratta was as creamy and light as it looks. Walnuts too, Damn I bet that mouthfeel was divine.

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