How To Make The Best Southern Smothered Pork Chop And Gravy Recipe! Center cut pork chops seasoned with 8 herbs and spices. Lightly dredge, fried, and smothered in a delicious mouthwatering gravy.

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Best Smothered Pork Chop Recipe:

Hey guys welcome back to cooking with Tammy Live! I’m Tammy and tonight I’m gonna show you how to make my absolutely delicious smothered pork chops Guys. Yes I do have a recipe out already in regards to smothered pork chops. However, these smothered pork chops guys, trust me this recipe this time is gonna be even better than the last recipe. It’s going to be absolutely delicious and packed with tons of flavor. And guess what, I’m also going to show you how to make my delicious whipped mashed potatoes to go along with our delicious some other pork chop. Guys so without further ado let’s jump right in and introduce these ingredients and get started. All right, I have salt as well as ground black pepper garlic powder onion powder smoked paprika as well as Montreal chicken seasoning I also have some dried parsley as well as some flour Creole seasoning and chicken bouillon powder. Now here’s the thing guys, if you have a chicken bouillon cube you can always crumble it up. Trust me when I say the chicken bouillon powder is going to literally amp those flavors up in the pork chop. Trust me it’s going to definitely make the pork chops taste even better. Also, I have some red onions mm-hmm as well as some chicken broth and additional flour anyway so without further ado let’s get started I’m gonna hit these pork chops off with some salt, perfect and we’re gonna use some black pepper. Ground black pepper is what I should say as you guys can see I have my literal seasoning out and nothing is in a ramekin whenever you see it like this is because everything is gonna be seasoned to taste if you see me pull out the ramekins is because it’s gonna be precise measurements but with this situation right here these delicious looking beautiful pork chops it’s gonna be pretty much season to taste season to your liking don’t you hate it when the bottle is full and it’s like literally so full you’re shaking it but nothing like everything is like so tight that it doesn’t come out well that’s what’s going on anyway we have enough black pepper we’re also gonna use some garlic powder just it’s add bit not so much not so much as well as some onion powder if I could get it open literally got that onion powder one sec mm-hmm and by the way how’s everybody doing I hope everyone is in great spirits how everybody is doing perfectly fine if not trust me everything is going to be a-okay just be patient be calm and be collective and we’re gonna add that much real chicken seasoning good and we’re also gonna add our Creole seasoning not too much because we did add salt and let’s remember that Creole seasoning does contain salt so we don’t want to overdo it and I’m gonna take my hands and these are thin pork chops as you can see they’re thinly sliced with that being said I am going to literally massage all of the seasonings on the front and I’m also gonna take it and spread it on the back as well these like I said pork chops are pretty thin so you really don’t need to add a ton of seasoning usually I add to both sides but that depends on the thickness and the cut of the meat rub it all in giving it did massage good massage show these pork chops some love care and concern place it right there do the same thing for this one rub it on in mmm the combination of seasonings is smokes so inviting it smells so good sometimes just by the way things smell you automatically know what’s going to turn out amazing you just know shake it okay rub it on in if you have a thicker cut or pork chops definitely flip it over and get the season and season both sides only if you don’t add enough to the front but if you add it enough to the front you do what I’m doing pretty much you take it and you spread it literally throughout the meat take the season that’s right here sitting in the plate nothing goes to waste not over here it doesn’t we’re gonna use everything all right place it right here give it some ample space put it right here and place it there and place it right there the reason I’m doing this at this point is because I’m not gonna get a separate dish what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna flour lightly we’re not gonna overdo it with the flour because we’re not deep-frying it what we are doing is frying it yes but we’re not deep-frying it because we’re gonna smother it later on so we’re just gonna dredge it lightly in the flour and this my friend is what we need just like that shake off any excess flour huh all righty so far we have perfectly seasoned pork chops and what we’re gonna do next is I’m gonna take off one glove and my pan is already preheated nice and hot ready to go I’m gonna add some oil and as I mentioned I’m not gonna add too much oil and once that wall comes up to temperature we are gonna add our pork chops so the oil and it’s gonna be time to get these pork chops cooking all right we are gonna place our first piece into the pan just like that and these are gonna fry it pretty fast because as I mentioned they’re pretty thin and I think I have room for one more I’m gonna end up frying this obviously in two batches because we’re not gonna overcrowd the pan just like that BAM done yeah like I was saying we’re gonna fry it in two batches because obviously like I said we’re not gonna place everything in the end like have everything you know we want to hear that sizzle hearing the sizzle is a perfect indication that everything is frying and it’s not just sitting and literally simmering in oil and just picking up excess grease so once we have that sizzle that sound that’s what we are looking for so once we take these out then I’m obviously gonna put these in and we will be in business so what I’m gonna do is allow it to brown on one side flip it over allow it to brown on the other side and I’m gonna show you exactly what everything looks like as soon as we come back we are removing our last pork chop from the hot grease yes we are and look at how beautiful nice and golden-brown because it was thinner cut I allowed it to fry on both sides literally on medium-high for about maybe two and a half to three minutes and as you can see this was a result once again on both sides two and a half to three minutes on one side then I flipped it over once to let’s golden brown and I allowed it to fry for around the same time on the other side as well also if you have a thicker cut of meat of course you’re gonna probably increase the timing to maybe four it’s four to five minutes or even six minutes depending on how the cut of meat is and what all of that being said it’s time to make our delicious smothered gravy yes guys this oil still hot and as I mentioned don’t add too much oil to the pan because when it comes time to saute your veggies and make your sauce you don’t want your sauce to be greasy you want to add just enough to fry your pork chops also its pork it makes its own oil just like these so yeah be careful on the amount of oil that’s added what we’re gonna do is we are gonna allow these onions to break down just a bit and I’m using red onions however if you have yellow onions you can use yellow or white onions but the reason why I’m using the red onions it’s because not only is it more pungent but it’s more fragrant as well and when these flavors break down into this pork grease trust me it’s going to be even better than just adding a regular onion yes so we are gonna allow these onions to sort say just a bit in the oil for about maybe 1 1 minute I would say and trust me these onions are gonna bring such delicious flavor it’s going to be an absolute compliment so I smother gravy sauce mm-hmm once again you hear that sizzle because we are what so at saying we are sauteing our onions now that’s this’ll go sloppy you don’t hear the sizzle guess what your onions are gonna be like literally just simmering simmering in its own juices once the juice the starts to release give it a good mix hmm this is gorgeous guys just absolutely gorgeous all right what we are gonna do now is guys we are gonna add our flour and the flour is gonna work as a thickening agent to thicken our sauce or should I say our gravy give it a good mix and what we’re doing is we’re cooking the flour out mm-hmm get this flour cooked up some steps flour just a bit now that our flower is toasted it is time to add our chicken broth what should I say chicken stock if you don’t have any type of broth whether it be vegetable broth chicken broth and so on and so forth of course you can always use water whatever you have is what you are going to use because guess what the pork chops of flavor it’s so wonderfully even if you add water it’s not gonna take away from the seasoning because guess what not only is not only am i adding chicken broth but it’s low-sodium chicken broth so yeah go figure give everything a good stir good mix combine the liquid with the onions and the flour and everything else and of course if you get those bits at the bottom of the pan and you say to yourself oh my god the pork chops burned and I left like you know like I said those bits in the pan that’s okay those bits are gonna be released once you add the liquid to the pan however also it’s gonna give the sauce or gravy a lot of flavor only if there’s like extremely burned then you might have to start over in to this we are also going to add just a tad bit of Creole seasoning not too much and we are gonna add our chicken bouillon powder which is going to give it such an amazing flavor if you don’t have chicken bouillon powder you can always use the cube just break it up or break it down really well within the sauce because you don’t want any lumpy chicken bouillon cubes in your sauce trust and you don’t want to bite into it it’s a little bit too pungent we’re also gonna add some smoked paprika so the mix and the smoked paprika is gonna give it a nice color we’re also gonna add some garlic powder we don’t need the onion powder because we have the red onions already and just a bit of garlic and we’re gonna give everything a good stir a good mix of you as you can see the paprika gave our sauce such a beautiful color mm-hmm yeah I am gonna combine all of the ingredients and what I’m gonna do is I’m going to lower the flame to low heat and we are gonna allow this sauce to not only simmer but we are gonna allow it to thicken up as well because we added that flour and yes we’re gonna leave this sauce on the stirrup to allow it to do its thing for about maybe to the three through three minutes and then cover it down hey it’s been about two to three minutes so far and our sauce as you can see has a perfect simmer in and even better aroma trust me it smells so inviting and so delicious all right what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna add a tad bit of dried green parsley of course not only for flavor but feds activation and we’re gonna add our pork chops back to the sauce yes you heard me correctly back to the sauce all righty and I think we have enough space for everything to be added back to the pan all right yes we do indeed we do we have more than enough space so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna spoon over some of those delicious onions and sauce is to literally become one and it’s gonna be absolutely amazing beautiful we’re gonna cover it over and allow the pork chops to simmer in the sauce for honestly about maybe five minutes on low heat now if you have a thicker cut of pork chop you can allow it to simmer in the sauce for a longer time because let’s say that the pork chop is not cooked all the way through you know hypothetically speaking now would be the perfect time to allow the pork chop to cook all the way through by sitting or simmering in that hot sauce also yes my pork chops are much thinner so I’m gonna allow it to just like I said allow all the flavors to intertwine for about maybe two to three minutes I’m gonna check on it make sure everything is good and we take it from there now I am gonna be serving these pork chops up with some mashed potatoes so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get cracking or making some delicious whipped mashed potatoes our potatoes are strained and what I’m gonna do is I’m going to add it to this bowl and they are nice and hot for this recipe I have some half-and-half however if you want to use heavy cream you can and I also have some butter right here as well as salt and believe it or not these potatoes are gonna be absolutely delicious we are gonna use our potato masher and we are gonna start mashing our potatoes just like those pretty simple right nothing complicated sometimes the simplest ingredients make the best food to be honest with you it’s just about mix and match and appearing and making a complementary all right with all of that we are going to add some half-and-half if we need to add more of course we’re gonna go back and add some more we’re also gonna add the butter as well as a pinch of refined salt just a small pinch not too much hey stop it okay and we are gonna continue mashing sometimes what I do is when I mashing my potatoes I allowed the potatoes to stay on the stovetop of course after draining the water off and I get some mashing while it’s on medium heat and that keeps it nice and hot so when you’re serving it it’s nice and hot I do that from time to time perfect timing our pork chops or should I say a smothered pork chops no absolutely delicious mmm fine points and we are finished with our mashed potatoes as you can see it has a perfect consistency perfect it’s about that time guys it’s time to plate some food let’s get everything out the way put this right here we are gonna plate these potatoes right here oh my god whoa this looks beautiful look at how beautiful we have that nice rich thick gravy mm-hmm let’s get some of those onions whoo that is absolutely amazing and of course let’s clean it off we don’t serve sloppy plates no weeds out no wait don’t everything has to look absolutely appetizing here we go absolutely beautiful anyway guys I am gonna do my taste test in a literally three seconds so continue watching and I tell you how everything tastes and I’ll be right back look at how beautiful a delicious smothered pork chops are sitting on top of this delicious bed of perfectly whipped mashed potatoes oh my goodness I can’t wait to dig in this looks absolutely gorgeous and it is time to taste our delicious food delicious mashed potatoes as well as our delicious smothered pork perfect duo and guys when I say this is an absolute delight I mean this is an absolute delight this has to be the best smothered pork chops in the history of smothered pork chops oh my god it is so good not to mention with the delicious creamy whipped mashed potatoes and you get that buttery taste with butter that we added to the potatoes it’s not over salted Plus that cream that we added to the potatoes as well whoa I feel like you’re in heaven not to mention all of this complimenting seasonings that went into the pork from the beginning up until the point where we made the smothered gravy seasoning from top to bottom on every level this is absolute perfection and I am NOT literally Tooting my own horn but this is where it is guys full recipe details of course special examines our recipes my god it’s absolutely delicious anyway guys I catch in another video I am gonna go and distribute this food and finish up on this plate anyway guys I catch you later bye guys


  1. Hi Tammy! This was the best meal that i ever cooked. I knew it was good when they asked for more the 2nd day. Thank you for being so thorough that even a novice like me was able to make this delish dish!

  2. This was very tasty. Only thing was too much salt! Next time I won't salt the chops as much since the crushed bouillon powder cubes I used were NOT low sodium, nor was the chicken broth… I made 16 oz chicken broth using Better Than Bouillon Chicken Flavor, 1 medium yellow onion chopped, and 1/4 cup flour. I didn't have bouillon powder so I crushed 4 chicken bouillon cubes (probably too much- maybe use 2 cubes next time). Regarding seasonings, it is as Tammy said–no measurement! Tender Delish bone-in pork chops!!! Thank you, Tammy!

  3. Good Evening Tammy. First time watching and so glad I did. Had some thinly sliced chops I kept putting off making until tonight. ๐Ÿ˜Š Great tutorial all around. Your patience and step by step tutorial was amazing but the end result was out of this world. Thank you Have an amazing Blessed night and A prosperous New Year, Beautiful Queen๐Ÿ‘ธ ๐Ÿ™ ๐ŸŒน ps will be making your creamy mashed potatoes next time. Had started on rice & beansโค

  4. Hi Tammy! These were the best pork chops I have ever had. A wonderful gourmet dish.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. You know I have cooked a lot of different variations of pork chops. I tried this out for my family tonight. My comments. I enjoyed your recipe!

    1. Budget friendly.
    2. Good as heck!

  6. This recipe was A-MAZING! Thanks so much for it Tammy! You seem like such a wonderful person & your cooking is even better ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐ŸŒน

  7. I made this today with long grain rice. Yes honey, it was so delicious ๐Ÿ˜Š. Yesterday, i made the infamous chicken sandwich with bacon and it was a hit with the Family.

  8. Hi Tammy , I am making this today but I must tell you I made your cabbage and turkey necks and it was phenomenal. God bless. Keep sharing!

  9. Cooking this recipe for my wifeโ€™s birthday dinner. Iโ€™ll let you know if the results tomorrow. GOD Bless Tammy

  10. Who still cooking with TAMMY? Tonight I gave the purple onions a try ( the first time I only had sweet yellow) when I say fireeeee ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ… plates were empty, all around the table. Washed! Thank you Tammy!!!!!! ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿฝ

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