Taco Bell chicanery

by Individual-Heart-719


  1. Individual-Heart-719

    The fact this is actually real baffles me.

  2. NiobiumThorn

    You can only eat like 5 crackers before it becomes gross, how would eating an entire pizza sized thing be better?

  3. Jboy2000000

    They need to sell those Cheez-It plates to the public, right now.

  4. Been telling EVERYBODY about this thing every chance I get im gonna wreck the shit out of that fat cheez it Im gonna go wild

  5. I mean, the sub is called “Stupid Food”, not “Food I Would Never Eat”.

  6. Ok_Understanding5184

    If this is real I’m fitting to destroy some tostadas

  7. This place and taco time are well known in my area for giving people food poisoning.

    Not like a gassy shart – but actual toxic infectious stuff. Really bad.

    Does anyone seriously eat at these restaurants? Are they better in other places?

  8. vonBelfry

    Stupid? Yes.
    Do I still want it? Sadly, yes.

  9. jamescharisma

    Oh no, that’s so stupid! When are they coming out with these cus I’m going to take an edible and go to town on them.

  10. Ordinary_Mastodon376

    I know this is a stupid food page, but the stoner in me would eat five of those.

  11. Leftover_Bees

    They’ve been doing this for at least two years at this point so these must not be completely horrible.

  12. People said the same thing about the Doritos locos tacos so we’ll see!

  13. The-Toxic-Korgi

    I do something similar when I make a crunchwrap at home, but I use Doritos instead.

  14. HandsomePaddyMint

    This thing baffles me not on concept, but in logistics. I worked at Taco Bell for two years and the biggest thing the company hated was employee snacking. And the biggest past time for employees? Snacking. It doesn’t matter how many security cameras and assistant managers you have on shift, you can’t stop hungry teenagers from sneaking food. So how in the hell are they going to make a profit on bringing in cases of CheezeIts the size of a T9 graphing calculator? They must be planning to keep those things in the manager safe.

  15. Pixel_Knight

    If it were a giant Dorito, then maybe, but a Cheez-it? I’ll pass.

  16. JynsRealityIsBroken

    Oh my fucking god. I haven’t been this excited for a Taco Bell item since the introduction of the Doritos Locos Taco. Yuuuuus

  17. No_Signal954



  18. That does in fact look stupid. However, drunk me would annihilate that thing. Probably two lol

  19. DontWanaReadiT

    Do people *really* eat shit like this?

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