Learn how to make a fast and easy Spanish garlic shrimp recipe that’s bursting with flavor. Follow along as Chef John shows you step-by-step instructions to create this delicious seafood dish in no time. With simple ingredients and quick cooking techniques, you’ll have a flavorful Spanish-inspired meal on your table in minutes. Dive into the world of Spanish cuisine with this mouthwatering recipe!

Fast & Easy Spanish Garlic Shrimp Recipe

this amazing dish ranks at or near the top of many of my favorite recipe lists frozen shrimp is almost always a better choice than fresh shrimp which is not really fresh shrimp but Simply frozen shrimp that’s been thaw and put in the case what we’re going to do is cook this garlic in this oil over medium heat until it just barely starts to turn golden and also as you may notice some of the garlic will actually stick to your tongs and what we have to do immediately when we see that is ADD our shrimp in and what we’ll do over high heat for about 2 minutes is keep these moving continually with our tongs until they curl up but are still undercooked and if everything goes according to plan it should look a little something like this and as you’re plating this up you’re going to be thinking there is no way this can taste as amazing as it smells and then it does


  1. We thought my daughter was allergic to shrimp. Turns out she can eat fresh shrimp just fine. It's the preservatives in frozen shrimp she's allergic to.

  2. I will say, the only reason I go thawed over frozen is you can smell if the stuff on display is off or not; frozen you cant tell until you thaw it, by which point its too late if its especially fishy.

  3. Unless you live in a shrimping place like AK, we can get the best fresh from the ocean shrimp you’ve ever had coming out of Whittier Alaska

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