When your wife wants steak kabobs on Mother’s Day, you make steak kabobs.

by No-Guess3632


  1. sumtinsumtin_

    They look incredible!!! Sainted man! I’m taking notes!

  2. DoubleEscape8874

    Happy wife, happy life.

    Food looks delicious

  3. HunterHB95

    Id love a quick recipe if possible, please

  4. boom_squid

    You need another wife? Damn those look good.

  5. liberatedhusks

    She should marry you. Oh wait…

    But really those look so tasty good job

  6. blockshockrocksock

    Recommend cooking veggies on separate skewers than meat. Their cook times and temps are different. Looks good tho

  7. Academic2673

    What’s the trick for soft and juicy beef? I usually make chicken ones, cause I’m scared that beef will be too chewy

  8. Brave-Cookie-2075

    I made the same thing for my family! Looks great!

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