Who grew up with this dish as a staple in there family ?

I love how easy this recipe is but how quickly it can develop flavors!

Also it’s healthy right?

who’s hungry cuz today we’re cooking chicken katchor and hopefully I’m not butchering the name but honestly this has to be probably the healthiest thing I’ve made on this channel it’s going to come together really quickly with just some onions garlic carrots uh some bell peppers I actually chose to do a yellow and a orange bell pepper just so it didn’t blend in with all that red and some fresh tomatoes and some parsley and lastly tomato paste is going to be something you’re going to want to add oh wait I did forget the mushrooms mushrooms you can leave those out if you don’t like mushrooms but basically this is a one pan recipe and it’s super easy to make and I even used it for my meal prep so when you sear the chicken thighs you’ll just put everything together in a pan cook it for an hour and there you go

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