authentic Italian pasta dinner

by Livid_Box2082


  1. Livid_Box2082

    went to my grams for mother’s day we have family in italy who sent us different pastas and sauces to try.
    1. eggplant parmesan
    2. black truffle
    3. tuna and olive
    4. lemon basil
    5. marinara
    6. parna granda (i think that’s how u spell it)
    now my family is Italian my grams parents came over from italy we love pasta we love sauce BUT this stuff was weird for all we know this may be the ragu version in italy. but wondering if anyone has tried any of this?
    we made a joke during dinner that we were gna pull my grams sauce out of the freezer bc we love her sauce this other stuff was weird tho !!

    just zoomed in on the jars of sauce the brand looks like it says “pastaifico”


  2. _headhoncho1999

    I wish I had all this right now oh my god 🥲😍😍😍

  3. holyiprepuce

    I like pasta, but this looks too much. Do you eat salads or so?

  4. I don’t think the words “jarred sauce” and “authentic Italian” fit together all that well.

  5. travellingathenian

    There’s nothing authentic about this.

  6. dildo_wagon

    Idk why everyone is hating so much. It’s pasta, pasta is delicious, I hope you had a lovely time eating it. The sauces sound so good! Who cares if they’re “authentic” or not.

  7. cancook1257

    Authentic/not authentic. The comments are wild! Somebody needs to grow a thicker skin here, lol! It looks delicious, OP. No need to start a war dear Italians

  8. Lwcftw474747

    Omg looks so good I’d be in heaven 🤤🤤🤤

  9. MathematicianGood204

    If you up the sauce is from a restaurant near Rome. Its the authentic house made sauce from there.

  10. Opposite_Nectarine12

    Where did you find a loaf of bread for $1 good sir

  11. Pappas34

    I have nothing against anyone, but what you don’t understand is that there is a difference between saying that one thing resembles another instead of saying authentic. You don’t give the right value to things and every time someone points it out to you, you attack Italians because we defend our values and our culture… after all, Made in Italy exists for a reason. Try telling a Frenchman that prosecco is the same as champagne. What we want you to understand is that for us you can make all the variations of pasta you want, Alfredo, vodka, etc. but at least don’t call them authentic because there will always be someone who will point it out to you. Finally, accept criticism, if you don’t want any or if you only want positive comments, use Instagram.

  12. CountryChef77

    Pasta is great, but nothing about this looks authentic

  13. CompanyKey6767

    You won’t shit for two weeks after this feed.

  14. Lilmidget09

    What is the most fuckable pasta? Wait and find out!

  15. Deuce_McFarva

    Here’s the real question:

    What did you do for the antipast before all this? Lol.

  16. AstronautIntrepid496

    nothin beats overeating pasta and taking a 3 hour nap

  17. AToadsLoads

    No hate, seriously, but jarred sauce is very expensive. Canned tomatoes. Garlic. Salt. Basil. Maybe some onions. It’s one of the easiest things to make and it will make you very happy in both the mouth and wallet.

  18. BenzotheWicked

    holy mother of christ that looks so fire

  19. Can you rank them from fav to least fav? 😋

  20. OhHelloImThatFellow

    Not sure how many authentic Italian meals include bread from Walmart but it does look good

  21. Gingerwaters1

    Does grams have a whole desk setup on her walker 😍

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