[I Ate] A Square Burger

by PizzaDog33


  1. PolymathEquation

    They didn’t cut any corners when they made that burger, that’s for sure!

  2. Xanthus179

    I’d ask if this was a Wendy’s but that looks too nice for them.

  3. PheonixOfAshes

    Wendy’s would like a word, they sound pissed dude.

  4. itsnotaboutyou2020

    Looks much better than the grey slabs from Wendy’s.

  5. ColdStainlessNail

    Went with family friends to a Red Robin-like burger joint and their son ordered a burger. The waitress asked how he’d like it cooked and his response was, “uh. Square?” I think just might know OP….

  6. hatsuseno

    On a round bun?! That’s just lazy craftsmanship. Beef? Square. Cheese? Square. Bun? Meh, it’ll do.

    Joking aside, I really want that burger.

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