I tried an experiment to make bagels out of refrigerated pizza dough. It did not go well.

by LarenCoe


  1. CompetitiveDrop613

    What in the fucking depths of hell

    *The middle one looks like a certain someone following the Byford Dolphin accident*

  2. grunkage

    Nah, now you just tell everyone you were making “rustic bialys”.

  3. DIJames6

    You know those are two different types of dough, right??

  4. Old_Emphasis_6876

    this feels like a shot out of a movie like The Machinist

  5. pixelatedflesh

    I’d eat them dipped in some marinara sauce.

  6. Gloomy-Restaurant-42

    Experiment? Call them Mengele Bagels. 😖

  7. FalynorSoren

    This is some straight-up Cronenberg shit right here

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