From The Royal Danieli Roof Terrace in Venice, Italy, still open

can you hear that that’s one of the kittens so hi welcome back instead of setting up my big camera and doing a video introduction in my room I just thought that I would go ahead and record it on my smaller camera in the kitchen before I actually start cooking so today’s Vincent cooking with Vincent Price is a risoto alam milanesi it is from a hotel restaurant in Venice called The Royal danieli it is still open as I said it’s in Venice and now it is a Marriott property this recipe is super simple which is why I’m doing it right now I haven’t had lunch yet so I thought that it would be good to make for lunch and I also thought while I made this or while I got ready in the beginning I would give you guys kind of a channel update or where I am wanting to take the channel going forward um things I’m going to continue to do and things that I have decided I’m going to stop doing so I am going to as of now I’m going to discontinue recording in stores because because there are a lot of channels that do it very very well and it’s kind of just not my thing it started when it was just you know I started the channel when it was the time that the store started to put out Halloween so it kind of made sense and it is after all like a Halloween Horror history kind of spooky Channel cuz that’s kind of what I am but as I have continued to make my Vincent recipes which I’m really enjoying the weather is now cooling off so I’m going to want to go and do things go do cemeteries give you history things like that the Halloween decor Hunt is now going to be discontinued I’m not going to do that anymore I don’t want my channel to be that because that’s not exactly I don’t want to say who I am but it’s not what I want to do and be what I want to do in be is cook my recipes from Vincent Price I actually have a new cookbook coming today so I have another Vincent cookbook coming um without looking it up it is one that is supposed to be recipes for the average cook on a budget um cooking pricewise see the pun there so I have this cookbook it’s 500 pages and I don’t even know how many recipes then I have another cookbook of Vincent’s arriving today that’s smaller but is also full of recipes and I posted to my Instagram stories Vincent was the celebrity adman for a lot of products in like the late 60s and early ’70s and in women’s magazines like Better Home and Gardens and things like that there would be advertisements for the products and there would also be a recipe and you know it had Vincent’s face on it you could send away send a self- address stamped envelope and you would get in return a uh like little cooking pamphlet of recipes and he’s all over those so I’m finding more and more things that Vincent lended his face to or he cooked himself or it’s his recipe because in addition to him being Vincent Price and being the master of Menace and being an art historian and art collector he was he was a gourmet cook as well so I have tons and tons of recipes that I really want to cook that are his so I want to continue that and I want to take you along with me going to cemeteries and strange and interesting locations that have historical background so that’s where I’m really going to start focusing my efforts toward and that is what I’ve decided to do so that being said I’m going to start to gather my ingredients oh my god get down get down do you see this buddy that was [Laughter] Dennis okay so that is the state of the channel that’s that’s where I’m taking it that’s the direction I’m going in so let’s talk about this recipe right today is risotto alaan rice with saffron and parmesan cheese and I’m going to get everything set up I’m going to finish drinking ing my tea and then I’m probably going to open a bottle of wine and I’m going to make lunch so let’s get this party started I am drinking Vincent’s tea mixture that I made it’s a lot better and hot than it is iced it’s still very jasmy that is the predominant taste but it does taste better to to me and hot than it did with the cold ice situation that we had going on with the original recipe so that is a revisit and it was a lot better [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I completely annihilated a wine cork which is one a party file too not a thing that really frequently happens to me and three that’s a cheap Cork and it was an average cost of a bottle of wine um it wasn’t very expensive but it wasn’t like it’s to Buck Chuck um I got a Chardonnay because I was making risotto it’s got 15 minutes to go on it and this is more like a Sav Blanc it is very sweet which is not like a charday it is not dry and I don’t get any buttery notes at all but I’m going to let it sit I’m going to let it breathe at least there’s not cork pieces floating around in it I was worried about that then I was just going to have to call the whole thing off and I don’t know start all over which I don’t really want to do um yeah [Music] for [Music] [Music] so this is what she looks like right okay so in hind site the big camera with my large tripod is probably better when I want to talk to you guys and cook at the same time kind of like if you were in my kitchen or if I was cooking at your house which I like to do I like to go to Prince houses I like to cook I like to cook look doesn’t mean it’s fabulous okay so it’s telling me that I have 10% of a battery remaining so I’m going to give this a try this is good this is very very good oops I dropped it on the island island is clean I just cleaned it before I started to cook it has a beautiful beautiful taste and I guess that that is the I guess that’s the saffron I’ve not cooked with saffron before in its native string thread form I think it’s I think it’s threads it’s saffron threads they’re handpicked The Taste is very difficult to describe and I think that that is the saffron because the only other seasoning that it had other than butter which I don’t actually taste is an onion the recipe called for a whole onion I used a whole shallot because I like the way shallot tastes instead of a plain white onion um you know shallot has a bit of both a garlic and onion taste but it’s not terribly different it has a very light delicate taste to it that’s not the parmesan I think it’s the saffron and this is delicious and I will absolutely make this one again this one is good so this has been cooking with Vincent Price thank you so much for watching thank you for sticking with me and if you like this video you may like this video please feel free to subscribe subscription is always optional but appreciated I am going to eat the rest of this and have my wine and I’ll see you guys next week thanks a bunch bye

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