Let’s make delicious and perfectly cooked grilled asparagus on our Traeger Grill.

Grilled Asparagus Recipe — https://fancyaproncooking.com/2761/traeger-asparagus/

In this video, you will learn:
-what temperature to grill asparagus
-how long to grill asparagus
-and what protein you can cook alongside your grilled asparagus

I also have great flavor combinations for how to serve this easy vegetable side dish.

Shopping from here:
Traeger Grill https://traeger.uym8.net/KemP0x

Flavor Bible Cook Book https://amzn.to/4bk2H8g

More Traeger Videos:
Traeger Tri Tip https://youtu.be/zV6PTC2IPkQ?si=MOwyzcs_TW-feQES
Bourbon Glazed Pork Chops https://youtu.be/AW1zc_-goQY?si=1nNxzUwMctuk4xst

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#traegergrills #recipesforbusymoms #realdinnerideas

ready ready for this if you need a delicious vegetable side dish that you want to be tender perfectly cooked full of flavor and happen at the same time that your main dish Cooks I have the answer for you we are making gr asparagus all right to make grilled asparagus there’s a couple easy steps we’re going to prep it I’m going to show you the flavors we’re going to finish our grilled asparagus with and I’m going to show you some different examples of what you can cook alongside it so you can make your protein like your main dish and your veggie same place same time same temp that’s important all right let’s start by preheating our trigger so first of all this is a ton of asparagus um but that’s okay so to see where I want to trim it I’m just going to pick it up and see where it snaps so this is kind of our our goal right let’s trim these up beautiful okay so to prep them all we need is some olive oil some salt and some pepper a toss okay great now one thing that I do want to point out is that when it comes to these not falling through the grill grates I do like the thicker stocks instead of um super thin ones so that’s this size is going to help us out if I was using smaller ones I would have to use a a grill pant in there in the in the trigger so I promised you that we were going to make this asparagus alongside a main dish one thing that I like to do it with is a flank steak because they’re both going to cook at 400 it’s a good temp um for both asparagus and flank steak and it’s going to be not quite but almost the same amount of time so this flank steak I’m getting on there for 15 to 16 minutes total and the asparagus is going to take 8 to 10 minutes total so we’re preheated the asparagus is prepped we’re going to get the flank steak on and then in a couple minutes we’ll get that asparagus on [Music] too when you put that asparagus on the grill grates make sure that they’re spread out and in a nice even layer not stacked on top of each other because that could cause them to get um a little soggy we’re just going to spread them out so everyone has room to grill good at that high temp let’s see how we’re doing got some good looking stuff happening let’s check our ATT looking for 130 all right so a couple more minutes I think the asparagus is done though so we’re we’re going to pull that when the asparagus is ready to come off I like to put it on a plate so then I can um finish it with a couple different flavor options I love to get inspiration from this book called the flavor Bible it will tell you by food what good matching flavors are so we’re going with butter some Parmesan cheese and some lemon juice we’re going to start with some lemon juice just from about half good I’m going to do a little bit of butter and we’re going to finish it all off with some Aman cheese toss this around VOA how beautiful is that it smells amazing it’s so good you have to try this speaking of which I’m going to try a piece real quick before we pull our flank s up the lemon and the parmesan is exactly what it needs to just finish it off all the way what a good dinner a few good friends to pair up with your grill asparagus include a TR tip any kind of steak like a filet or a New York chicken tenders or chicken breast cutlets Tada all right you need an easy dinner you need to get your family fed in a half an hour 45 minutes at the most without a lot of supervision but something that’s really delicious that everyone’s going to want to eat this is it we have our flank steak that’s been marinated in my basic meat marinade you can grab that in the link below along with my recipe for grilled asparagus both of those are going to be down in the description um you can head over to fancy apron cooking.com you can also subscribe to catch my next um trigger veggie recipes my trigger side dish recipes and so much more um lastly if you want to hit me up in the comments um talk to me tell me what you like about this recipe let me know what you want to see in the future and we can get together and have dinner again soon bye


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