guys you want me to tell you a cool trick to get this tendon out of your chicken tenders make it a lot more pleasing to eat don’t have to worry about that tendon and grab a hold of it kind of hard for the camera to see I know let me try to make it and just pull it out like that right there and there you go


  1. If you buy premium free range Amish chicken it's already removed, cost a couple dollars more but has a cleaner taste. But when I buy Tyson you can't taste or see it once its cooked.

  2. This is why I whenever I do tendies I just cut chicken breast in the strips. Taste exactly the same. Better grain structure. No tendon hassle. Also one breast equals 4 tendies.

  3. Am I the only one who's never found an issue with eating chicken breast with the tendons? It's never caused an issue for me

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