Nothing better than pizza for breakfast

by TrippyTreehouse


  1. TrippyTreehouse

    Wanted to try something a little different for breakfast yesterday. I used a small amount of wheat and oatmeal for this one as it was my first test. I will test with more but I dont want the dough to get too dense. Overall this was a hit and did not last long!


    * 120g 00 Flour
    * 30g Bread Flour
    * 20g Oatmeal
    * 15g Wheat Flour
    * 130g Water
    * 3g Salt
    * .6g Yeast
    * 1 tsp Sugar
    * Olive Oil


    * Olive Oil
    * Scrambled Egg
    * Canadian Bacon
    * Basil
    * Onions (on half)
    * Mozzarella Cheese

  2. Zharaqumi

    I noticed that if my breakfast consists of pizza, then the day will be successful and productive.

  3. SlightofhandLLC01

    I trust you put some hot sauce on top

  4. MysteriousFinder

    For breakfast? How do you guys eat pizza and not exceed your daily calories? I am a dude that eats 3600 calories daily and having something like pizza every morning is not going to work for me. At most twice a week or the average once every one or two weeks.

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