Had fun today with my first attempt at doughnuts, filled with lemon cream. Nowhere near as good as the desserts you guys have posted here, but I’m still pretty proud!

by Uncle-K-s


  1. Willbreaker-Broken1

    Looks like paczki, all it needs is a plum or rose filling and that would be lovely

  2. pie_12th

    You’re gonna need to attempt your second and third tries at my house in my kitchen. So I can….supervise.

  3. vanilltae

    Picture perfect 😊!! Would you mind sharing the process?

  4. CauliflowerElegant46

    Can u share the recipe?? I really try a lot of recipes but always fail in making donuts

  5. OkCryptographer1922

    These look amazing!! Idk if this is allowed, but do you mind sharing the recipe?

  6. IdhrenBlythe

    I wanna stuff my face with those! Now I need to make some doughnuts…

  7. 3steaks-pam

    Wow they look amazing! I wish I liked custard so I could eat one

  8. MnSnowtagirl

    But how did it TASTE?!?

    I think this I something people have to understand (Im just a baking lurker on here), that as a person who has paid for very expensive and cheap desserts and donuts, looks can be deceiving. Something very elegant and put together can be not as tasty as monstrosity.

    You’ve got a great looking donut, is it as good as it looks??

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