Just wondering where you all are from! I’m from Pensacola area, and am a pitmaster at a place called Meat Candy BBQ.
– Augie

by Ok-Vanilla4342


  1. Dangerboy73

    Brisbane Australia here, pitmaster for a side hustle catering company called Bastey Boys BBQ.

  2. Ok-Praline-8588

    I thought this was a bot posting the best BBQ pictures available on the internet, looks great

  3. Powerful-Meeting-840

    I’m about an hour east of you. I’ll have to stop by and sample your cooking. FL

  4. ManCrushOnSlade

    England. I genuinely thought those were stock photos at first. Jesus they look good.

  5. brisket_curd_daddy

    BBQ looking great, Augs. I’m smoking in the Madison, WI area.

  6. OptiGuy4u

    We are in Panama City Beach but you can bet your sweet smoked meats that we’ll eat all that deliciousness the next time we’re over your way!

    Thank you!

  7. the_everlasting_haze

    You are an artist! Looks incredible. I’m in Connecticut… here in Yankeeland if you want good Q, ya gotta make it yourself.

  8. terminadergold

    MEMPHIS, TN and that bbq looks geeat.

  9. Holy hell. Me and the family are passing through Pensacola next week to spend a week on the coast. May have to take a detour and come check y’all out. Damn!

  10. djwest97

    That first photo looks like Turkey breast, am I right about that? That’s my wife’s favorite smoked meat and I totally failed last time I made it. Where do you buy breast-only parts rather than entire turkeys? How do you season it and what temp for how long?

  11. JCuss0519

    Southeastern Massachusetts. I’m pitmaster for the back deck of my house 🙂

  12. Part_Time_Legend

    New Zealand. Just a humble home smoker for my family.

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