Usually just a salt/pepper guy by tried adding some seasoned salt this time around and probably won’t go back!

by Leading-Inevitable94


  1. Baboonslayer323

    Kosher Salt, course ground black Pepper, Garlic (powder), Onion (powder)

  2. Nuclear_Dreaming

    Cimarron Docs and Smoking Guns Hot Rub. If I don’t have them then an SPG and Big Poppa’s Cash Cow. Eat BBQ’s Most Powerful Stuff is really good too.

  3. tabazco2

    Same sized course ground pepper and kosher salt.

  4. ayecappytan

    I slather it in yogurt and hummus. Gives a helluva bark.

    Kidding. Just salt and pepper for me. I’m born and raised in Texas, though, and it’s kind of required.

  5. Jewcebox

    Just made one using Derek Wolf / Spiceologist Smoked Jalapeño Garlic Beef Rub that turned out really well.

  6. MoeSzyslakMonobrow

    Equal amounts of salt, pepper, garlic, onion.

  7. IJustSwallowedABug

    Made the best one yesterday, used kosher salt, ground black pepper(fine), and garlic powder

  8. TummyDrums

    I’m on the course salt/course pepper train, but I’ve heard some of the big Texas brisket people will say the same thing but secretly use Lawry’s instead of course salt. No idea if that’s true or not. Haven’t done a brisket in a while to try it.

  9. StereotypicalTexan1

    Ratio is 2 parts dark brown sugar, 1 part each salt, ground pepper, garlic powder, paprika.

    Recently started using Ketchup as my binder. I’m not sure why, but I like it better than mustard. I think it is the added acidity.

    I get a great crust with the brown sugar and a fairly pronounced smoke ring with the paprika.

  10. on_the_nightshift

    Pit boss Lonestar brisket rub… from Walmart, of all places. It’s not fancy, but makes a great finished product, IMO.

    Besides, my mom loves it so much that every time I make a brisket, she says to make one for her, and she pays for both. I always tell her I’ll make her one on my dime any time she wants, but she won’t hear it.

  11. Zaphod-Beebebrox

    I used my own MIXTURE of KNORRS BEEF and CHICKEN BOUILLON with CHIPOTLE PEPPERS – With Garlic – Onion Powder – White Pepper – Smoked Paprika…

  12. HappyTexanNB

    2 Gringos Chupacabra Brisket Magic around here. I work for them so I’m personally biased, but people win competitions with it all the time.

  13. My own mix that I use on most things. Equal parts kosher salt, course ground pepper, granulated garlic, and smoked paprika.

  14. __TenaciousBroski__

    A few gospel rubs and grill masters maple blend

  15. JoyousGamer

    Salt and Pepper nothing else needed. Want other flavor put it in the sauce. 

  16. dcutts77

    I can’t be the only one using MSG with my S&P&G

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