Bread machine recipe with lots of great tips:

by TheWalkingDead91


  1. DickHorn1975

    That is gorgeous peal jam! Cream cheese?

  2. International-Rip970

    …and hell is having to look at this and not be able to get at it.

  3. FalseMasterpiece9470

    Cinnamon rolls are my absolute favourite! These look really good OP.

  4. OrneryExplorer1476

    Oof cinnamon rolls are my go to. My family practically will hold me at gunpoint if I don’t make them each Christmas. I’ve been without an oven for 6 months now and it’s driving me crazy. Luckily I get to live vicariously through y’all. These look awesome.

  5. 20milliondollarapi

    Personal preference, not enough cinnamon between the layers.

  6. ajqiz123

    Rock on!!! Have you made Joanne Chang’s caramel, pecan sticky buns?

  7. SandSurfSubpoena

    Slap an NSFW warning on this bad boy because those rolls are damn near pornographic 🥵

  8. To_burythehachet

    It is taking all of my strength to not make a Hazbin reference

  9. InviteDry3356

    These look amazing. Been working on my rolls here recently. I love doing fruit ones, have tried strawberry and raspberry (raspberry roll a la mode takes you to super heaven). Doing blueberry next.

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