Club sandwich… the king of sandwiches. How to make one is subjective… this is the ultimate guide.

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Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen:

hello everyone this is Fred cam we’re sorted and this week we launched the sorted Club now hold on commendable that is here this is one place where you can get books out supper climb out oh cast out courses how and maybe even help us create a puppy all and it’s all gonna be hosted on our brand new website with the same old address sort of we need your help to get this started so go downstairs or other link and sign up now now in order to celebrate our sorted Club here is the ultimate gourmet club sandwich club means that everybody’s voice has to be heard take as many suggestions as you possibly can from the community and we’ll put it in a sandwich chicken egg and BLT and Coco’s interplay yes ain’t always goes into club another point of contention are we going chicken or turkey chicken Joanna says Remillard instead of mayo chicken egg crisps yes I’ll get the sous-vide machine now and the water bath and will perfectly poached some chicken bread and weird my own tomatoes and lettuce that’s work go wrong I’m gonna focus on bacon and other meats it feels like maybe you and I are the wrong way around right we’ve got two hours we need to do some shopping let’s go we hadn’t made any decisions on side so I’ve opted for chips and spiralized crispy bits [Music] so I’m at Smithfield market which is London’s largest wholesale meat market so I should find some decent me here in from this thing he closed a while ago so I had to find a butcher on the outskirts somewhere right chicken forevers you want it breast turkey as well turkey is a classic filling I’m sure he’s doing very well I’m sure he’s got everything on the go nothing less than the finest ingredients for our chicken a kay what’s left in the fridge rosemary sage lemon and garlic my thinking is if we can’t decide between chicken turkey chicken and turkey these yeah you know how sometimes you get a bit hungry when you reckon a sandwich I thought why not let’s buy some snacking pigs in blankets chicken ready to be cooked sous-vide and then water bath to about 63 degrees Celsius fat machine vacuum pack seals in all the flavor all our herbs now we can cook it water bath at 62 degrees for an hour one charge of tomatoes and lettuce let’s start with the tomatoes we’ve gone for the nicest on the vine cherry tomato so I could find these are distinctive these are intensively sweet we’re gonna make them sweeter honey oil salt pepper garlic in a bowl and then smothered all over the top of the tomatoes roasted an oven for 30 minutes mid-march and Jamie’s brought back a tray of Christmas roast turkey and pigs in blankets going into the oven so all I’m gonna do with the bread that is toast it in a pan with butter press it down so it’s nice and thin so we’ve got thick slices but with an oppressor dancers like thin crispy slices to egill not to egg I put it to the community and then I boiled 6 eggs while I was waiting for response the pre chooses not to egg Bruno says no egg Sean’s not convinced tireless as a depend I love a contingency got one hour left berry hasn’t even returned so Ben said before I left he goes make sure you get good bakers but just bacon don’t thank old fancy a proper time sandwich has chicken and bacon there I’ve stopped the brief but I have got a ton of bacon it’s a beautiful gammon and it’s the best stuff you’d be buying oh good effort all in on birds ah so we’ve got some just round lettuce that’s for flavor we’ve got some beautiful gem lettuce that’s gonna be for crunch and then James not had a discussion about chili for color and bitterness Jay I’m sorry I ever doubted you also we don’t really come to a decision about cheese and if we were doing cheese who’s in charge of cheese so we got some Manchego just in case egg yolks and Dijon mustard mixed together oil goes in slowly while I whisk and it should thicken up to may to get butter out of the fridge alright that still he picks up a lot now I’m wondering if I can fry my chicken lard check your chicory enlarge what’s better than butter it depends what you’re cooking your curry I’m making my glaze my bacon I put some honey some cayenne all right you know [Music] dice we’ve got half an hour to finish this sandwich yeah I’m good we’re gonna have a group tasting this chicory yeah that’s actually fun I’m in the final acidulous today [Music] he’s been licking No okay so I’ve added a paprika to my Mayo I’m about to add a little bit of curry powder some pickled gherkin you know like to take a lilly time type of claim some anchovy for saltiness we’re just gonna see what it tastes like my family’s frying now in the pan won’t need long Anita five boys what do you think about red onion in our sandwich [Music] [Applause] I’ve started construction but maybe should have taken these all t-bone earlier there are you baking you check on that about seal about a minute ago my salad wish you had a scratch-and-sniff this chicken smells incredible Todd like these I realize how much I love sorted and everything will be do cuz this is unbelievable so times like this I realize how much I love sandwiches ahahaha that might be the best thing we’ve ever done [Music] [Music] Wow so despite my interpretation apparently this can feed Mickey’s a vegetarian and James been very claimed to give up his vegetarian [Music] it’s amazing words I can’t three different types of lettuce I just what unbelievable so much I’m gonna do shower off this the less is amazing tomorrow so it could be bad it’s a messy sad-eyed deliciously messy sandwich it is a pretty decent start to the club I reckon that’s average sorted way if we’re all here we all have to say it is a club sandwich the window to sign up to the club is open right now but it closes and the fourth of April and they’re only 1,500 spots available oh it’s so limited honestly the reaction so far has been amazing and we’re really excited by this a go check out talking about checking things out how about a dead jerk of the week tell me Barry what do you think vegetarians on busy going Jamie Gries saying that’s the best good to get brains have got meat


  1. Ben!!! "Egg ALWAYS goes into club." Tsk, tsk. 😖 Personally, I've never seen egg, in any form, in a club sandwich.
    I'm not at all saying that an egg can't be put in one. I'm saying that you, Ben, have to stop specifying an ingredient "has to", "must", or "always" goes into a dish because every dish can be made a million different ways by different people in different countries, states, counties, cities, towns, restaurants, families, and individuals!
    Still have to say that I love you guys and I never miss an episode!! 😋

  2. I love Jamie's way of thinking. Gey hungry whilst cooking but you obviously can't eat what's cooking but you can't be bothered to go through the snack cupboards and draws looking for food so just get a snack whilst shopping for ingredients. Also Pigs in Blankets is a good choice.

  3. In my experience in America, and I love club sandwiches; never had egg, and the meat is usually chicken or turkey with ham and bacon.

  4. I just realised that giving her the "vegan" part of the sandwich wasnt actually vegan, since james toasted the bread in butter, and jamie cooked the chickori in lard

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