How to make soft pretzels, just like the ones you get in Times Square! Plus use the same dough to make tempting pretzel dogs. It’s easy, fun and a perfect way to spend a rainy weekend.


hey everyone welcome to I cook and paint so today’s video is gonna be all about one of the world’s most famous street foods the soft pretzel are you looking for a soft pretzel recipe that tastes just like the ones you get here in New York well if I got the recipe for you not only are these Street style soft pretzels easy to make they’re a lot of fun too look how good these look they’re soft and buttery in the middle chewy on the outside I’m also gonna show you how you can take the same dough and turn them into these super tasty pretzel dogs here’s how you do it okay first you want to start off with some warm water to that you add some sugar and active dry yeast so you mix this together and let it sit for about 10 minutes until it’s foamy now in a nice big bowl mixed together some flour and salt then you add in some cold butter and cut it in with your fingers until the mixture becomes really short it’s gonna take a few minutes basically you want every trace of butter to disappear and it should look like a powder like this now you take your yeast mixture and add it into your flour so pour it all in and you can do this by hand like what I’m doing or if you have a stand up mixer with the dough hook go ahead and use that now I’m gonna take an extra cup of flour and add it in slowly bit by bit I still want it to be a little bit sticky but easy enough to knead so now I’m gonna turn it out onto the counter now I have to knead it you might need to add in more flour if your dough is really sticky but out of that extra cup of flour I still have about a third left in here and this little sprinkling here is all I ended up using the more flour you add in the tougher your pretzels are gonna be so knead the dough for about five minutes until it’s smooth and elastic equal if it’s a little bit sticky at first don’t be tempted to keep adding in more flour the longer you need it at this point the less sticky it’ll become so after about five or six minutes the dough should still be soft but nice and stretchy now you want to place it in an oiled Bowl or in this case I always like to use butter because butter is always better toss the dough around to get it all coated this dough is really sticky if you don’t grease the bowl cover it with plastic and if you touch the plastic right on the dough it won’t form a skin let it rise for about an hour to an hour and a half it really depends on the tempered where you are but the dough should be doubled in size and when you poke your finger in it the hole should state now lay it out onto a flat surface and roll it into a log now divide the dough into equal portions and it’s entirely up to you how many pretzels you want to make I like my pretzels massive so I’m only making 6 now you roll out each piece into a long snake ooh this is my favorite part I ruled each piece out into a 36 inch long rule a little on the thin side now you want to make each one into a pretzel shape and a really good hint is to make the two ends a little bit thicker than the rest of the rope and I’m gonna show you why in one sec okay now Bend the rope and twist the ends together two times now this is why you had to make those two ends a little bit thicker you have to attach them to the bottom really well these are going to get boiled before going into the oven so if you don’t make them really secure they come apart [Music] let’s see that again so take the two ends and twist them around two times and attach them really well to the bottom and for now we’ll just transfer these onto parchment paper okay now you want to take some water and add some baking soda to it so I have here four cups of water in a saucepan and one third of a cup of baking soda let this come to a boil on medium high heat and this part gets a little bit weird take each pretzel and dunk it into this boiling baking soda solution we’re gonna leave it in there for about 45 seconds to a minute these are gonna be a little bit too delicate to flip so ladle the solution over it really well and oh my gosh guys I couldn’t find my spider so I had to use idli plates to get these out if anyone out there has my spider I want it back seriously now you want to preheat your oven to 375 then you want to crack an egg and beat it until it’s really nice and smooth you don’t have to add anything else to it and then brush this on to each pretzel be really generous make sure you use up all the egg wash this parts pretty fun too and now while these need is a sprinkling of kosher salt if you can find pretzel salt then by all means use that because the kosher salt does become clear pretzel salt would stay white ok so these are ready for a nice preheated oven now bake them in the oven for about 15 to 18 minutes until they become a beautiful golden brown just like this oh my gosh look at these guys now here’s the part I’ve been really wanting to show you I want to show you guys how soft these are on the inside and the crust is kind of chewy if you’re a soft pretzel fan that I’m pretty sure this recipe won’t disappoint now if you think that looks good wait till you see what else you can do with this sometimes when I make this dough I divide it into 12 equal portions and instead of twisting them into pretzels I turn them into you guessed it pretzel dogs just like auntie Annie’s but before we do that we have to take a paper towel and dry them off really well because if they’re not super dry the dough doesn’t stick to them very well then roll each piece of dough out into a 14 inch long rope and wrap it around the hotdog like this now you still have to boil these in that baking soda solution and move them around so they don’t stick to the bottom of the pan be really gentle with them and just like the pretzels you brush these with the egg wash only instead of salt I always sprinkle these with sesame seeds now let’s take a look here oh man if you have hot dogs in your fridge right now I just gave you another reason to make this dough and that’s it guys that’s how you make your very own New York City Street style soft pretzels and pretzel dogs I hope you try this out soon and remember guys if you enjoyed this video then don’t forget to hit your subscribe button we’ll see you in my next video thanks so much for watching guys later


  1. That's it! That's the texture I've been looking for – dense and chewy. Other recipes look good, just too soft for me. Thank you! Can't wait to try it.

  2. When vintage ny pretzels were made, the ends overlapped. So, it can’t be the same older recipe. Plus, they were thick and brown.

  3. New York Style Pretzels?!
    I haven't Bought a Pretzel from a New York Vender in Years!
    The Taste of Those Pretzels… Delicious!

  4. If u can get the original German NY street pretzel recipe from 35 to 40 years ago, that would be amazing. First of all, the pretzels are uniform, with no skinny bits. Then the pretzel is more of a tan/brown color, and the outside layer is crispy, not chewy or doughie. The inside is dense. Cooked in lye.
    Do u remember ever having one like that? so much better than the ones made today.

  5. Any recipes for making 50 pretzels at the same time? How does a typical hot dog vendor get so many pretzels for the cart?

  6. I think I'll need the right equipment. It is not scalable for me, a hot dog vendor, to push beautiful home made pretzels. I just don't have the time to make 10 small batches in the early hours. Any thoughts?

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