Healthy Granola Recipe

Today I’m going to show you how to make homemade granola.

This healthy granola is made without oil, and is lower in sugar than traditional recipes.

It’s full of delicious granola clusters, so it’s great for either breakfast or snack.

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This is why you’ll love this oatmeal granola:
It’s filling and nutritious!
It’s a quick breakfast solution!
It’s crunchy and full of clusters!
It’s so easy to play with the recipe!

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(makes 16 servings)

3 cups rolled oats (270g)
1/2 cup chopped almonds (70g)
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (60g)
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (70g)
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (70g)
2 tbsp flaxseed meal
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce (130g)
1/3 cup maple syrup, honey or agave (80ml)
1 egg white
1/2 cup dried cranberries (or other dried fruits) (70g)

NUTRITIONAL INFO (per serving):
185 calories, fat 10g, carb 19.5g, protein 6.2g

In a bowl, combine all the dry ingredients, rolled oats, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed meal, cinnamon and salt.

In separate bowl, mix together applesauce and maple syrup.

Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir well for a minute, to fully incorporate and turn sticky.

Whisk egg white until foamy and add to the granola mixture, and mix well.

Add the dried fruits, and mix one more time.

Spread the granola mixture onto a lined baking tray (13×9 inch in size) and press it well using a spatula.

Bake at 325F (160C) for 30 minutes.

Let it cool complete, then break into larger or smaller chunks.

Serve with yogurt or milk, and top with some fresh berries.


i think everyone should have a homemade granola on hand it’s such a great and healthy way to enjoy your breakfast i made this granola with real whole ingredients without any oil or fat inside so if you want to control your ingredients and also save some money make this easy and healthy granola i believe most of the store-bought granola is either too sweet or too expensive making your own granola so much better and this way you can be sure you’re actually eating healthy food it is super easy and quick and i always make my granola using this simple formula it calls for 5 cups dry ingredients and 1 cup wet ingredients and it works all the time here on this image you can see all the layers and also some possible variations you can do with your granola it’s basically the rolled oats combined with sweetener nuts and seeds oil and mixings of your choice in a separate bowl combine the dry ingredients and start by adding your oats old-fashioned rolled oats work best for that chewy and crunchy granola texture now you can add your nuts and i decided to go with almonds and walnuts which i always have in my pantry and i prefer to chop them roughly to have smaller chunky pieces then add the seeds and here i have pumpkin seeds and some flower seeds which tastes really great when baked for an extra health boost i like to add tablespoon or two of ground flax seed but it’s optional some cinnamon for more flavor and also some salt to bring out the taste of nuts and seeds to make your granola nice and crispy you’re going to need a sticky part which is actually made with half sweetener and half oil but to lower the calories i use apple sauce 100 apples and it works great instead of oil with no apple flavor at all to make your granola naturally sweetened i suggest you go either with maple syrup or honey anyway mixing these separately will help to coat the oat mixture more evenly so pour the syrup over the dry ingredients and stir well for a minute to incorporate well together one more thing before baking i love granola that is full of big clusters this way you can eat them with milk or you can snack on them too and you can make this without adding lots of honey or peanut butter just beat one egg white until foamy and mix into the granola it will act like a glue sticking all these bits and pieces together also if adding some dry fruits now it’s time to mix it in because it’s a noster granola there’s no adding any other ingredients later again mix everything well and you can transfer the mixture onto a lined baking tray parchment paper will make the cleaning part a lot easier but it will also prevent too much crisping at the bottom i prefer not to use large baking sheet for this granola because you want your oats to be a bit crowded in order to stick better also press it down gently with a spatula this will prevent small individual tiny pieces from getting burned in the oven remember it’s a noster granola so it should be baked at lower temperature this will dry out the mixture without getting too brown bake until lightly golden on top and keep in mind it won’t be crispy right out of the oven so it’s important to let it cool completely without any touching it will continue to crisp up as it cools then you can break apart your granola into larger chunks or bite-size clusters it’s definitely worth all that weight this healthy granola is so filling thanks to the fiber and protein it has it’s sweet but not too much really great in texture with nice chunks of oats and nuts it’s so easy to fall in love with this type of breakfast i prefer having my breakfast granola with some yogurt and fresh berries but you can enjoy it as any other cereal with milk of your choice also it’s great as a quick snack on the go just grab some with your hand or make a parfait with creamy greek yogurt berries and drizzle of honey for instance in display there is half cup granola half cup blueberries and 1 cup yogurt and all this makes a 325 calorie breakfast this entire recipe will be enough for 16 half cup servings you can keep your granola at room temperature for up to two weeks but it can last longer in the fridge which i would say is even more tasty so now it’s your turn dig into your pantry pull together whatever you have on hand and get creative with this homemade granola but if baking is too time consuming for you go and whip up these no-bake granola bars they’re made with just 5 ingredients but make a filling and delicious snack or breakfast check out the recipe now thank you so much for watching see you in another video stay healthy stay happy


  1. This is a good lighter recipe and helpful video, thank you. It did not fully crisp up for me, however, I’m guessing due to the lack of oil. The oat clumps have some give and flex to them.

  2. Awesome! Recently, there was a recall on a granola I typically buy at the wholesale club. So many varieties at the grocery store have tons of sugar (added sugar as well) and expensive. So glad I stumbled upon this video, and so excited to try it. Thanks so much.

  3. This is my favorite granola. It’s the best ever! Its all natural ingredients work well with my diet and my taste. My only complaint is that in my city it’s different to find. ❤

  4. Be aware, Oats are bad because they pull minerals from your body which must be replaced. And have something like gutens in it which harms your gut.

  5. I won't go looking for another recipe! This one checks all the boxes. I was looking for a non-processed, healthy granola recipe to satisfy my sweet tooth. I can take this on the go as a granola breakfast bar or a mid-day snack. The crumbles I use for a cereal with milk. I absolutely love it!

  6. Live and learn to be better and healthier 😊❤😊❤😊❤ loved it 🥰 no artificial sweetness or other ingredients!! Making it soon!!!😊❤😊❤😊❤

  7. Looks good, yet that many ingredients is not realistic to keep fresh long enough in my pantry to justify the costs. I’ll stick to Greek yogurt, assorted frozen berries and freshly ground flax and chia seeds with wild honey.

  8. Hello, thank you for the healthy granola recipe. I made it. The granola turned out chewy. What can I do to make it more crunchy rather than chewy? Thanks

  9. Followed the recipe exactly, used 1 c coconut and 1 c pecans for the nuts, 1/2 chopped dates. Baked 30 minutes but used a large baking sheet so it was about 1/2 inch thick. It was perfect!

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