I’m so proud of this cute little cake!! This is a homemade strawberry cake with diced strawberries in the cake and cream cheese frosting 😍 i made the hearts and stars with fondant 🙂 i love it!!

by OvenOwl


  1. flow_with_luna

    This looks so delicious.
    I hope it tastes as delicious as it looks.

  2. Ok_Strategy1369

    okay but what was UP with that show? it gave me the creeps as a kid

  3. sweetishfish53

    I loved this book! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. Your cake is perfect.

  4. TrueCryptographer982

    It IS a very cute cake – love it!

  5. PotatoesandMolassez

    OMG what a gem! You unlocked a memory for me: I remember watching the series on Treehouse. I was planning to make a strawberry cake soon for the summer season, and now you’ve inspired me to try out this design.

    You’ve done an amazing job btw 💖 it looks really good, and the colours are so vibrant!

    May I ask how you created the shapes? Was it fondant or marzipan? And is the slant simply from slicing a full cake at an angle? I just can’t picture slanting it with a 2+ layered cake

  6. kfkdk83whitit

    This brought back so many memories! As a kid, I always wanted to have a slice of that cake. You did such a good job! 🩷

  7. KrisMisZ

    I love it!!! This reminds me of my childhood dream cake 🎂 🥰🥰🥰

  8. veinacis

    Ooh, the nostalgia! Ive always dreamed of eating these cakes 😭 this looks real good! You should try max’s mud cake next😂

  9. down_by_the_shore

    I absolutely adored Max and Ruby growing up! This looks fabulous and delicious! Excellent job. 

  10. tytheby14

    Next do max’s mud cake with red hot marshmallow squirters!!!

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