$10.50 for all of this using Flashfood

by athenahhhh


  1. athenahhhh

    I haven’t seen Flashfood mentioned lately so I thought I’d share my veg bags I bought today. These were 2 of the veg bags for $5.25 each (flashfood now charges a 5% service fee). I usually buy a couple of bags twice per week and freeze what we won’t use. Excited to try the roasting bags and grilling veggies this weekend!

  2. GimmieGummies

    I’m unfamiliar with “Flashfood”, can you share some info about it?

  3. earmares

    What kinds of stores do this? Just grocery stores? It’s not available in my area, wish it was!

  4. HaploOfTheLabyrinth

    Holy plastic waste batman! America really needs to do better with all this single use plastic, they are even selling peeled oranges inside plastic bags now smh….

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