dinner provided by my school (on a trip i paid $1400 for)

by SherikaKaufman95


  1. HoboArmyofOne

    They should have just told you to bring your own food so you don’t go hungry. Cause that won’t do lol

  2. This Legitimately Fucking Angered Me…🤢🤬

  3. Mintyyungpoo

    I could eat this in less than 1 bite, now read that again

  4. Wtf do they at least let you get more? That’s insane!

  5. devintroy

    there’s like 2 12 slices of pepperoni tho! gotta look on the brighter side sometimes

  6. “Excuse me. But where is the rest of my dinner? This won’t feed a 5-year-old!”

  7. CapN-_-Clutchh

    Damn, save some pizza for the rest of us, bro.

  8. Dull-Requirement-759

    Damn they cut the slices in half

  9. Sleepy_McSleepyhead

    They should have drizzled pizza sauce on the plate to make it elegant.

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