Lemon pepper Salmon

Full recipe and video 👉 https://pauliesaucerecipes.com/post/healthy-bbq-salmon/


4-5 Salmon Steaks
12-16 ounces of green beans
Lemon Pepper Seasoning
SPG Seasoning
All Purpose seasoning
Chopped Chives for garnish
1-2 lemons
Avocado or olive oil

Begin by preparing the salmon. Use a knife to scrape along the skin, removing all the scales for a pristine finish.

Season the skin side of the salmon with SPG Seasoning, ensuring a perfect balance of flavors.

Flip the salmon over and generously season all the meat sides with Lemon Pepper Seasoning, infusing each bite with zesty goodness.

Heat up a skillet over medium heat with cooking oil, then carefully place the salmon on the skillet, skin side down. Press the salmon down to ensure even cooking and optimal contact with the skillet

After 3-4 minutes, flip the salmon over to allow the skin to crisp up, cooking for an additional 3-4 minutes until golden and crispy

Once the salmon reaches an internal temperature of 140 degrees, remove it from the skillet and set it aside.

Heat up another skillet with cooking oil over medium heat and add the green beans. Cook for 3-4 minutes, then mix them around and season with all-purpose seasoning for a burst of flavor.

Continue cooking the green beans for an additional 5-8 minutes until they are tender and slightly caramelized. Remove from heat and set aside.

Plate up the perfectly cooked salmon alongside the seasoned green beans, creating a visually appealing and mouth watering dish.

Garnish with chopped chives for a touch of freshness and color, then squeeze fresh lemon juice over the top of everything to enhance the flavors.

by Paulie_saucee

1 Comment

  1. QuimbyMcDude

    Add chilled honey lemon dill sauce from the Brown Derby. 1/4 C Cold mayo & sour cream 50/50. 1 tsp dill weed. 1tbsp honey. 1 tbsp lemon juice. I have to have sauce with my fish, but that recipe is outstanding by itself.

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