Reverse sear again but finished it this time on the grill instead of with my cast iron. I see what someone said about T-bones being harder to sear so I essentially just pressed this down onto the grill over the high fire. My wife very much liked the stuffed peppers and Mac n cheese.

by n02486844


  1. BirdFarmer23

    I wouldn’t press any steak. It looks like a good medium. With reverse searing my best luck was the day or two before pull out of packaging and wash well. Pat dry and salt steak well both sides. Place on a wire rack on tray. Put back in fridge.

    When ready sit steak out an hour before starting. Then place in the smoker. Bring it to the temp you want. Give it a light pat down and then onto a scorching hot cast iron/ grill. When your done place on plate and cover for at least 5 minutes before serving.

  2. rededelk

    Looks good. My dogs 6th sense always knew when I was putting T-bones on the grill as they knew they were getting a real chew bones later

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