White Clam Pizza, ‘Frank Pepe’ inspired [homemade]

by HotandFreshPizza


  1. I miss living near New Haven. Frank Pepe’s is the best

  2. thenisaidbitch

    White clam pie is my favorite!!!! Go CT!!! Yours looks delicious

  3. No-Impact-8102

    Do you mind sharing your crust recipe? If not totally cool. Dipping my toes into the homemade pizza pool recently but I struggle with getting the perfect brown in my home oven. Thinking a steel might be better than my stone?

  4. empireofjade

    Looks amazing. Do you bake it in a coal-fired oven? Nice bubbling on the crust but Pepe’s would be slightly charred on the edges.

  5. cjohnson481

    Was just there during a hockey tournament (from Central NY) over the weekend and had the clam pizza!

  6. SaltandLillacs

    White clam pie is my absolute favorite. I’m coming over for a slice.

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