I have a propane grill and… an air fryer 😅

by k_d0t


  1. freetotalkabtyourmom

    It’s gonna be tough as hell. Make jerky out of it instead.

  2. throw_away_55110

    We were all noobs once. Don’t worry. This my friend is not a steak. You need to cook this for a long time to break it down so it isn’t so tough. Otherwise it’s nearly inedible.

    Jerky is an option.

    My favorite is to braise a roast. In a heavy large pan, heat the empty for 5 min or so on med-high while the meat is salted. Then add a neutral oil and sear hard on all sides. Then add a few cups of beef broth, an onion a shit ton of garlic and any dried or fresh herbs I like to add carrots and celery with a small dice. Then simmer it for hours. After a good long time it will be tender. Then remove the meat and make a gravy in the pan. Serve with mashed potatoes and fuck fuck fuck I’m hungry…

    Could you smoke this? Hmm I have no idea.

  3. ChuckFeathers

    That’s a pot roast, braise low and slow for hours, or grind into burger meat, add fat.

  4. Mr_TP_Dingleberry

    Yeah it’s not a steak. It’s a roast. Look up how to make that. Dutch oven. Or Italian beef in a slow cooker. Good luck

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