Enjoy Your Daily Dose of Positivity. This is a daily morning show that I hope brings a smile to your face. Join us as we share celebrity birthdays, funny memes and celebrations of the day.

I get my show information from the following websites:
Puzzle: www.duotrigordle.com

Birthday and celebrity information: www.famousbirthdays.com – www.wikipedia.org

Celebrations: www.nationaltoday.com – www.daysoftheyear.com – www.nationaldaycalendar.com

hello hello everyone how are you today I hope everybody is bright and chipper this fine Monday morning let’s see what’s all that we have to do well we know that one of the first things we have to do is go over to Twitch and change it to emote only off so that if anybody wants to talk to me they can so let’s go emote only off and so that is done there that all looks good everything looks fantastic there and we now will go over to YouTube and say hello YouTube I will like myself at YouTube I will share to the Twix and the threadsphere which um are the two places I put my information I’m putting live let me go ahead and put my twitch on here so that if anybody wants to go over there they can and la la la and then we’ll copy that so we can put it over in the thread thread isphere so here here’s the Twix verse it is posted I can close that I can close that I can go over to threads here and I can go hello here I am and I will post there so we are good there so everything is looking fantastic fantastic we have a poll today I like this flower best we’re kind of going toward the Exotic side a little bit this time we have bird of paradise tulip Orchid and a Lotus so that are our choices today for flowers um so everything is good over here let’s check out our chat and see how it is going we have a dad man saying morning Mrs love you have fun and a great stream thank you very much I hope you have a great day too we have snort Poopers C bir saying hello humans and other Critters and hello to you snort Poopers I hope this Monday finds you well and Bucky is just here to leave a like oh the hubby took the kids out to get clearance Mother’s Day stuff so you have a quiet house for the first time in like forever um so have a good yes I will have a good stream and a good day and Bucky you have a wonderful time enoy the silence and and being able to do what you want without little hands and feet um helping so you have a wonderful day Bucky and then we have let’s see um snorta poopa says bies Ito sounds like a good time to change the locks and we have sci-fi mom be saying good morning good morning to you sci-fi and we have some hello back and forth we have Siri Boton stream elements over there on the um uh twitch side and soda poopus is feeling bright tailed and bushy dyed um no stink weed no stink weed on the list oh I always had a saying when I the house was empty I could um I could do I could run around around the house naked with with scissors yes and we have Mr Angel good evening to you sir I hope today is or this your evening is finding you well so oky do um we have done all the chat it is Monday the day oh we have q Hannah bkings gaming hello are you doing today I hope your Monday is finding you well and the lady V elements also wow good morning good morning yeah two cup of coffee morning isn’t it so I have been up about in I don’t know since probably about 7:30 7:45 and uh I’m so happy I actually got I’m happy that businesses are opening around 8 because I could do a lot of get a lot of business done this morning so yay I don’t have to do it later uh let’s see so Mr Angel is uh saying hello to snort poas and giving him uh broccoli and carrots veggie day sorry please don’t eat me he says to snorta poopus and uh snorta poopus respond as resport I don’t know if snort of poopus has responded yet to the veggie [Laughter] but yes I was doing perfectly fine I usually don’t I try not to eat before stream but about like 10 minutes until the the show started I got so so hungry so I got me a bottle of water but yes well we um Team parks uh streamers for the Children’s Hospital of um Orange County fundraiser they’re at $442 they’re almost $500 to their goal of $5,000 so um if you could uh if you if you would like to you can go over there and uh support them financially if you already have or you cannot do that if you could share out their link to your social media sites that would be wonderful to um help people know about this fundraiser um I’m also Tuesday tomorrow I am doing a mini building block build it will be a black bear and then on Thursday I am going to be doing a prairie dog now I’ll tell you if you want to see some cute prair dogs dad man has a short um on his channel um and I should have found it so that I could link it to you they’re the most adorable prairie dogs ever it’s let me see if I can find it real quick um but yes uh when we went on our um trip to Yellowstone our 16-day trip we um went and saw prairie dogs wow it’s it’s almost got 5,000 views wow wow so let me go ahead and open that and let me see how do I share it share copy the link so this is a adorable little prairie dogs with their babies I’m just going to type in here prair dogs then I’ll put the link so if you want to go see some adorable little prairie dogs they’re right there and let’s see um yeah snort of poopus wasn’t too thrilled with the veget veeg vegetables he says um and the dad man says to hope the coffee is strong and flowing okay then uh Miss rer said okay how about if it’s covered in chocolate and bacon and snort poop is y yum and uh here is the prairie dog video if uh anybody wants to go over and see those cute little things um so I believe that is all with the uh stuff there absolutely so let’s see what do we got what do we have left to do here um we don’t really have a lot more to do since we got the the mic working and it’s not all uh crackly and everything um we will um go from there so yes um and we have Penny hello Penny your grandson is here today well hello to Penny and your grandson I hope you have a good time with him I know you do I know you do and Lady V did uh unicorn unicorn and stars and then Dad man thanks thanks for the Unicorn love to Lady V it’s great to see someone with a great taste and class yeah Dad man that video has 4.9k views now um so uh pretty cool pretty cool whoops okay Dad man now get a good rest um I hope I hope you feel better guess what everybody everybody guess what time it is it’s time for the [Music] puzzle yes the puzzle so we’re going to like remove that we’re going to remove that or make it like that so that it can be a big screened and uh here we go with our puzzle we have probably someone screaming no puzzle um Lady V as telling Dad man to rest up you know one thing I hate about the streamyard the streamyards well there’s something but the comment button I mean to push the look at the comments is right underneath the end stream and I’m so afraid I’m always going to end the stream by accident they do give you a double prompt so it’s not likely to happen but it’s just a thing a worry with me so let’s go ahead and start our puzzle we are doing Duo trioral it is uh the website is Duo trial.com you have three puzzles you can do we do the middle one because it’s the easiest to do with a group so here we go our first one we did a you yesterday so today we’re going to do audio so here we go it has an A and A U so then let’s do p a u s e pause that will get us that other EV vow um EV vow in there the Last Vow and um move the letters around okay it is not pause but the a is in the second spot the E is in the fifth spot so I’m going to think that the U is in the four so it’s blank a blank u e which I have an idea it yes lady P it does it’s like every time because I I some I go through and have to change some things and then all of a sudden it’s like I go in my cursor is over the end stream and I’m like ah no no so um yes we do not have that many celebrations today everybody um and uh the sources I get them from our uh National today days of the year and national day calendar.com so um the first one we’re going to celebrate let start it off right is World cocktail day days of the year says it’s one of the best ways people get together and bond over life is through drinking okay for a fun night out cocktails provide a wide arrangement of scents and flavors to keep everything exciting and they have a long history of becoming a steady Staple in people’s lives so let us Dive Right In and you guys Dive Right In and see what world cocktail day is all about enjoying those concoctions yes so if anybody has an idea um let me know let me mute my mic so I can get a oky doie um so let’s try the word value VA a l whoops that’s not an l l u e value it is value the next um wow the next word also has a u quite a few ‘s today there is also an i and a p the p is not at the beginning that’s all we know and there is a u oh uh nope I was thinking I might have knew the word but I [Music] don’t h well I think of a word but I don’t know if it’s AA a valid word I’m going to try mix up it is a valid word to me that shouldn’t be a valid word but it is it’s not mix up but there is an i and the p is not at the end oh oh I I know what I do really think I know what it is this time I think I know what it is today is also International hummus day didn’t even know they had a day didn’t know it was International uh days of the year says hummus is an Eastern Mediterranean and Egyptian food it may come in the form of a dip or a spread that is made from cooked mashed chickpeas or other beans and then BL blended with deini olive oil lemon juice salt and garlic I love hummus too you know I love hummus I love them like they’ve go to you gotta um if you don’t you know if you’re going to dip it with something like use a a cracker or something it’s got to be a a hearty cracker I like them with like Triscuits or something that are have some substance to them this delicious dip is popular throughout the Middle East including turkey North Africa including Morocco and in the Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe hummus can be a healthy part of a tasty Mediterranean diet that provides nutrients all packed with delicious flavor uh International hummus day is the perfect day to learn more about this delicious treat and of course spr spend some time eating it too hummus I got chickpeas I might I could make some hummus today does anybody have any idea someone is quacking up the U has to be in the um yes Mr Angel input input very good then we have an I um in the fourth spot an O is not in the fifth spot and that’s all we know h what could this word be I do not know I do not know I have no idea I have no idea what this word could be none whatsoever that is my phone text um I have to keep it on because I have um in case I get an important text especially like with uh dad man’s mom or um stuff like that so I apologize for the quacking I just realized what you were talking about when you said someone is quacking up if I don’t have distinctive ringtones I miss the calls I just ignore them so this has an o somewhere and an i oh you think you’re oh good I’m so glad it’s not you I know it’s not you I have no idea what this word is we’re going to go through all our uh snort of poop is yes don’t push it was it the blue milk I think it was I think it was this one I um I I kind of look and see well what could it end in it has an o and an i oh is it is it a tumor is it a tumor I kind of try to look and say what could the last letter be um can’t be a r q it really can’t be a w I don’t think no no not the blue milk haha I knew that was coming oh my gosh oops I’m just trying letters because I have no idea what this is oh there’s no n because I thought of Robin to yeah there’s no n oh man I also thought orbit but there’s no t c h o very good dad man c h i r let’s hope it’s that because if it’s not choir yes it was choir very good get to the chopper get to the chopper so we have an O that’s all we have is an o two want to try Kookie and Lady V says as long as you know how to fly it exactly let’s see if it’s cooky I don’t think it is but I have no other word so it does have an oo and a y so um cookie k k y it means goofy crazy there is no W oh wait there is a w I’m sorry that’s not a word boogie but let’s try Boogie o Nookie I like that word but there’s no n or k so uh it is not boogie we’re running out of Words letters maybe woozy woozy woozy was com yes you you did woozy kind of means you’re kind of dizzy hello Emily gangadin and the retrievers how are you doing today uh Mr Angel says I learned while we take off how hard can it be so it is wozy woozy wozy wooy uh we have hello to uh Emily and the doggies little pups so this one we have a p and then a u and then an L and K um let’s see let’s how many more it is naal Crouton day everybody days of the year says this amazing Crispy Crunchy goodness that comes from a crouton really just can’t be beat for a delicious Salad Topping though croutons are often unassuming and probably Fair a fairly happy and okay and are probably fairly happy to be a sidekick it’s time to pay respect and let them be the star of the show at least for this one special day and National Crouton day is here to celebrate this little salad accessory that often gets overl overlooked but deserves a bit of attention yes woozy was is the perfect word for dadman and we have plunk and then we have pup pel what the hell pupel I wonder if that’s like being in the pupa stage like in a butterfly then we have a b at the end an A and then a v a r and Mr Angel says don’t worry 5,000 Plus hours of playing War Thunder I know what I’m doing Famous Last Words um and then I think that was a word guess and it saysi heard that snort of poopus well okay yeah for tonight you’re right um Atwood was up working on a couple of things before you know what don’t know if announced yet talk soon um and Lady be says I have faith you won’t disappoint me and then we have Bravo and then we have um an r and a y a d and an l h i don’t know what this word is and uh dad man says Mr a is mcgyver like the MS is and he gets sucked in again yes Mr Angel actually says Landing is overrated what is this word okay I don’t don’t even believe that’s a word but it is um because we had to use a vowel and the only vow was why so I just kind of guessed um and snorta poopa says helicopters don’t actually fly they beat the air into submission yes and we’re going to do dryly and then we have an A into the second and third and then an e and n and an l yes it is a word and yes that what it yes that word does not make sense it’s Top Gun day days of the year says in 1986 smack dab in the middle of the Bodacious decade of neon Headbangers and the Brat Pack the movie Top Gun roared into theaters like an F14 Tom Cat it got a missile lock on the box office and shot down just over 356 million making it what would eventually be the 11th highest grossing movie of Tom Cruz’s career the movie centers on Maverick a hot shot pilot who was sent to the US Naval fighters fighter weapons school and all of the drama pride and testosterone that scenario entails that’s from days of the year National Top Gun day Leen l a d en Leen it is 30 minutes into the show let’s see how our poll is doing um we picked some exotic flowers today or I like this flower best um wow all of them got votes wonderful but the Tulip is in the lead with five votes the orchid has three and the bird of paradise and Lotus both have one vote very good I like it when everything gets a vote um and we have sash sash here s SW a little later today um I don’t know the exact time it’ll probably become more like a very U impromptu uh might maybe get like a 30 minute notice um I’m going to be doing I have a un unboxing that I am going to do I uh received a gift in the mail um and so I will be doing that I’m not sure what time it’s going to be um but I will um put out notifications for it as soon as I um figure out that time I do have to run some errands right after the show I have to get them done and then when I get that done um I will do that it’ll probably be be around um two or three so um that will let you know we have a b an l l e um we have to put a vow there the only vow is an e so it has to be Belle we have who’s we have seven and we have a CR and then an e in the fourth spot and then an S and an i it is National apple pie day um National Day calendar says National apple pie day um which is America’s favorite dessert is observed annually the first apple pie recipe was printed in England in 1381 the list of ingredients included good apple good spices fig raisins pears saffron and coffin which was a type of pastry crust while the apple pie existed well before the Pilgrims landed on the Eastern shores of what’s now is the United States Americans waxed poetic about how American apple pie is the phrase as American as apple pie has been around for more than a hundred years during the turn of the 20th century when holto Ed cereals were becoming the quote Health Food fad pie gained a bad reputation okay that’s weird apple pie saved the day of sorts being more nutritious than other pies According to some soldiers during World War II were often quoted um they were fighting for Mom and apple pie in the 70s advertisers used a patriotic connection with a commercial jingle baseball hot dogs apple pies and Chevrolets yep I remember that I don’t think that was the tune but yes cries oh the chat is emotional today cries cries a yes thank you for the guess is here and uh SN said the chat is emotional today Mr Angel’s laughing crying lady V’s wiping tears away it’s moonday yes and a lady V A constricted hug it is cries we have a p a d probably this double letter here we’re going to just assume that that’s kind of a snort of poopus cries idy um icy tears then we have Ador ardor I can’t I can’t say the word emotional support aliens says Lady V and Daddy and Dad man why emotional today after yesterday yesterday was naughty then we have a vapid okay this one we know but let me do another um what are these things called celebrations yes uh it’s a national fruit cocktail day not only is it national cocktail day it is fruit cocktail day National Day calendar says many of us have childhood memories of a dish of fruit cocktail regularly served with a meal fruit cocktail consists of various kinds of fruit served in the liquid of juices or syrup while we purchase it in cans or individual serving cups we can also make it fresh with berries and other fruit cafeteria serve fruit cocktail is a healthy fruit option in schools and it buffets too even though the word cocktail is in its name fruit cocktail contains no alcohol the term itself refers to a mixture and can be in food or Spirits for example the secondary definition of cocktail is an appetizer made by containing pieces of food such as fruit or seafood national fruit cocktail day and table t a b l e yes it is table and then we have a V and I at the beginning and a t s for the other letters it is National frog jumping de let’s see uh Mr says I feel so emotional support alien let me eat you and all will be well there there there better now and the lady V blushes it’s National frog jumping day National Day calendar says in 1865 Mark Twain published his first short story Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog he later changed the name and published it as the celebrated Jumping Frog frog of Calis County the same story also had a third title the notorious Jumping Frog of caleras County his story is about a pet frog named Daniel Webster and his casual competition between two men betting on Whose FR frog jumps higher that’s the in origin of national frog day jumping day the annual frog jumping contest which began in 1849 in you guessed it Calis County California is also the origin of this holiday the international counterpart of this celebration is in February so we have Let’s see we have omai from Dad and Vista yes Vista uh if a bear offers to eat you it is not Roman rantic and Lady Fe says romance is [Laughter] subjective LOL snort yes let me grab a drink of water here but snort says we do love to hug and yes Lady V that is the word I’ll type it in in just a second I got to mute my mic so I can support alien why are you pouring gravy over me don’t worry it’s part of the therapy you’ll be fine sets oven to 210 degrees CSUS Lady V says you hug your neck from behind till you pass out s of poopa says gravy and a part is that word then we have a be um we can only use a vow here and because we can’t I would think belt but there’s no l so it is Beach and Lady V is laughing hysterically and Sor poop is is nice big c crunchy hugs Beach and then we have skate and we have uh o and we don’t know what the other letter is it could be two of those choices let’s see which one you guys pick first it is cough drop day National today says in existence since around 1,000 BC the history of the cough drop is largely unknown also known as a throat loss a cough drop is a small medicated tablet intended to soo a sore or irritated throat it is casually taken when a person is displaying symptoms of a common cold or influenza the cough drops are meant to temporarily stop the coughs and soothe and lubricate the tissues of the throat cough drops are typically candy like in taste one can even access various recipes from the internet with ingredients from pears to cinnamon and ginger cough drop day so joist it was joist this one has a has to used the e at the beginning so Elder and then we have an A A blank a DDR at the end I know what this one is it’s our last day well not our last day but we have National leprechaun day National today says though the exact history of national leprechaun day is unknown what is clear is that it is a day dedicated to celebrating leprechauns supernatural beings in Irish folklore Irish folklore the legend of leprechauns can be traced back to the 18th century when lore began to spread among the celps whether or not you believe they exist today is a day to let your imagination run loose ater yes a snake and then we have I don’t know nail and m o oh I’m going what could this word be we’re going to have a triple letter here m o m m a mama that’s should have been a word for yesterday then we have wreck and Adobe adob fide and h a n d y handy handy handy u. S.E and we have the puzzle is ended and we have completed it in less than 30 minutes today um 42 minutes in um Showtime um our words are not as provocative of oh oh o i m o u e Micky Mouse Donald the words that we have today are value input choir woozy plunk pupil Bravo dry Laden swash smack Bell who seven cries Patty adore faid table Vista apart Beach Skate Joy Elder Adder nail Mama wreck AB Adobe or adobe plied and handy we have a green screen everybody yes yay and we had two extra guesses we got it done and 37 guesses not bad not bad at all so that is that that was fun and we have our last day today which is the purpose of our poll it is tulip day National today says it is a day to celebrate tulips which are brightly colored spring blooming flowers tulips originated in Central Asia where they grew wild through con though cultivation of the flower began in Turkey around 1,000 ad from then on they became highly prized in the Ottoman Empire such that they were especially cultivated for the pleasure of the sulan the flowers sourn to Europe took place in the 16th century when they were planting in the Netherlands for medicinal purposes today tulips are still heavily associated with the European country it’s t lip day yep tul lip and that’s why we had the poll let’s see how that little booger is going 10 votes still the same we have nine people watching how many likes do we have 10 likes thank you very much for that so we’re going to go ahead I actually was kind of looking for memes like with flowers or something but I’ve done so many flower memes so I thought we would do something a little different in honor of national Crouton day we are going to do something meaningful here and we are going to have some salads yes we are doing salad memes [Laughter] today and I can hear the groaning now oh salad so here we go what could they be please don’t remind us of the Tulip bubble first stock crash in history yay Netherlands yes Greek salad that is a Greek salad there excuse me ma’am I ordered ranch dressing and a side of salad it amazes me sometimes when I see how much salad dressing people put on their salad it’s like why bother to have the lettuce just drink the dressing whoops Caesar [Laughter] salad any salad could be a Caesar salad if you stick enough knives in it oh my gosh we were uh with the kids and we were um when they were younger and we went somewhere um and uh my oldest ordered a salad and they asked for dressing on it I I Pro I kid you not if you took that salad right there and put the lettuce that you see and put the dressing that they dumped on it I think they there was more dressing than salad it was disgusting my kid couldn’t eat it we couldn’t even like Salvage any of theu in it it was just so covered with dressing it was it was so sad yes that was that salad and Greenwood Cal South Carolina and uh Mr angel said the Mania went so far that you could rent a tulet for a day to show it off oh wow and snor poopa says Caesar salad my second favorite I don’t give my prey name how silly Caesar salad chicken croutons and about a gallon of dressing oh my gosh you know when Salah turns slimy Brown sitting in Gross water yeah Donuts never do [Laughter] that that’s why you should eat donuts I hate ha it when you accidentally drop your salad in the trash and have to eat tacos instead waiter my Sal Caesar salad doesn’t contain real chunks of Caesar I’m not paying for this yes don’t I believe you’re was a comment about the donuts I’m not sure if it if it wasn’t I apologize but yes taco salad I don’t think those are taco salad they are taco salads see there’s green stuff in them don’t tell me you’re starving then order one of [Laughter] these when I look at all the food on my plate I wish I it was Oreos instead looks like they tossed um clovers in those tacos it’s probably cilantro I didn’t really look at it not sure what that is yes there’s sometimes I wish my food could magically turn to Oreos salad [Laughter] dressing I guess Lady V does not like cilantro because she said ick I’d rather eat clover cilantro is a very distinct taste yes that would be cute for Thumbelina just think that’s so funny oh this salad is delicious chocolate is made from beans beans are vegetables vegetables go into salad therefore this is a salad yes I like your line of reasoning Lady V says uh could be Thumbelina or the the little could be Thumbelina or Tink yep it could and did that I cannot do cilantro and then the logic cannot lie exactly dieters it’s a salad I had to really look at this picture if that is what it is I wonder what they made this lettuce and the croutons because if they put real lettuce and croutons on top of that that’s just wrong wrong I loved it I looked at it say oh my gosh that’s so funny you know what this lousy salad needs it needs some St dried out bread to perk it up the inventors of croutons exactly you know it probably that probably was about what it was is oh we have this stale bread what are we going to do with it let’s cut it up in cubes toast it for a little bit and toss it on salads you know I thought green icing but they made it look so well they did it so well if it was green icing and um SN poops did say green icing and it’s said I like soda crackers to dip my salads with all life comes from the same Source plants and animals are from the same Tree of Life hence my human salad is vegetarian yes absolutely people who eat salad to lose weight crack me up I’ll stick with meat oh that’s so true grass-fed human salad yes grass-fed human salad it is funny that you look at all the V vegetarian um animals uh the ones herbivores guess they’re not vegetarian they’re herbivores are bigger animals and then the ones that eat meat are these sleek and snort POA says I love leafy greens processed by a steer and turned into a steak me making a salad after grocery shopping everything in lovely before grocery shopping it looks like I’m not even sure what it is with cucumbers and a little bit of dressing on top that is just just eat the vegetable just eat the Cucumber what is your what are you having for lunch a me a fruit salad that’s funny it looks like a salad huh weird sips fruit salad it’s just a liquid fruit liquid fruit salad what’s your [Laughter] problem beer is made from hops hops is a plant therefore beer is technically a [Laughter] salad yes yes a sangria fruit salad there let’s see The Wiggles sing that song sria fruit salad heal me y me okay Mr Mr R I saw that let me see if I can uh find it over here let’s do that let’s do that I might have that one in here I might have that one in here that’s pushing it to the edge Belgian Abby salad we must we we must keep our vegetarianism at all costs I might have that one I’m gonna I’m going to look I’m G to keep doing these and if I don’t I’ll show it at the end everything becom a salad if you add greens that is like the most delicious looking I don’t know it’s like a layered pizza cheese thing that is you know this you know you know salads suck because there’s no bacon salad so there was a bacon salad it’d be perfect oh you’re getting bloated just looking at that cheese I know that was just I would love to know what that is actually bacon egg salad though can’t have those bacon bits things up any salad can be a Caesar salad if you stab it enough [Music] okay Mr angel I like salad but I I funnily I don’t like a lot of stuff on it like I don’t like a chef’s salad there’s too much stuff I’d rather like if I’m going to have a chef’s salad I’d rather eat a sandwich I hate to say that but how dare you mock me with this salad I demand meat meat this salad tastes like I’d rather be fat [Music] [Laughter] yes that look yes yes I so agree and it is very relatable yes yes it is when I try to he you go snort to poopus when I try to make a salad oh man I messed up again fortunately SN poopus is a Om Nom Nom nomore I know I have to keep try practicing making a salad until I get it right that looks good salad nishua is the bomb delish a moo meat salad that’s my salad cow salad yes yes um yes cow salad this salad’s not too bad either [Laughter] yeah but they messed up that salad with all that grein stuff in it you can toss me like a salad o had to put a little naughty one in there I’m having fruit salad for dinner well it’s mostly grapes actually okay it’s all grapes fermented grapes okay I’m having wine for [Laughter] dinner I love these leaps of of Consciousness ear fruit vegetable salad would [Laughter] [Music] yeah we’re going to have a moose salad and this side salad I think we’re going to be doing good oh and uh what do you think of uh the last wine dinner wine for dinner see we we have the fruit salad and then we have this Sal side salad and then we have the Moose salad it is a fruit and veggie you are correct salad food that food eats yes yes M Angel says it needs more fries oh we forgot to put the recycles out dang it oh well I heard the truck was trying to figure out what it was how to make the perfect salad begin with fresh greens and add your favorite toppings and some cheese and more cheese keep adding cheese until you can no longer see the salad and just eat the cheese yes Mr Angel yes nobody has found a cave painting of salad I rest my case your honor yes exactly exactly midwesterners I might have a salad and these are the salads they have which are not what we consider salad but that is so true either something in gelatin or whatever that’s how your son wants his salads with just cheese that he wants a little lettuce with his cheese is what he wants right that’s kind of how I joke yeah Miss M what midwesterners consider salads are not what I know for sure Southerners consider salad what if I told you Caesar dressing has anchovies in it and Lady V says uh that his son wants his salads with lots of cheese and goes cheesy make it go down easy is what he says cheese will make anything taste better there hasn’t been one sing okay this was for 2018 but I don’t I still don’t think there’s ever been a single bacon recall but there have been several vegetable recalls just saying just saying yes that’s a bake no wait okay I’ve got to show I’m going to show this one okay sci-fi mommy says no that’s a bacon salad this is courtesy of Mr angel I wish I could make it I don’t think I can make it bigger you guys are just gonna have to blow up your screen no this is a ba this is a bacon salad and you can follow for more recipes yes bacon I love that one bacon [Laughter] salad oh let’s put this back on Deon says sounds like you got a cool kid Lady V it’s a block of bacon that is humongous how to make a chicken salad take one plump chicken feed it a leaf of lettuce and then fry the chicken voila chicken salad and uh not enough bacon says Mr Angel and uh yeah Mr Angel it it it was a true um bacon salad it did have some greens in on it so yes an ad for a local pizza shop how to make the best salad ever one get a bowl step two substitute lettuce with pizza step three hell yeah Pizza salad [Music] [Laughter] well it’s 106 um into the show 11:06 in M neck of the woods which is the east coast of the United States and let’s see how our poll is doing today we have 11 votes I like this flower best tulip is number one Orchid is second and bird of paradise and the Lotus are third very nice very nice and Lady be is now I’ve seen everything I love that I love businesses that have a sense of humor eight salad for dinner mostly croutons and tomatoes uh really just one big round Crouton covered with tomato sauce and cheese fine fine it was a pizza I ate a pizza oh never heard of pizza CR a one big round [Laughter] Crouton this salad is so fresh it had to live with its Auntie and Uncle in Bella [Laughter] air yes up and Lady be says that [Laughter] escalated I am so healthy I eat salad every day see it see them y’all see this I have a little bit of salad on my pizza I have a little bit of salad on my burger I have a little bit of salad on my tacos see how healthy I’m I’m eating with all that salad oh my goodness did you guys just that gripe about us not eating salad just need to get a life we eat plenty of salad plenty of salad yes we do yes perfect perfect placements count exactly you got to put that lettuce in the perfect spot that the burger identifies as a salad exactly this salad is awesome [Laughter] I don’t know why that’s funny I just think it is maybe it’s because she’s eating it with a fork that’s wrong to eat pizza with a fork I am sorry there’s some things that are just meant to be finger foods and pizza is one of them I believe we’re coming up on our last meme my face when I’m eating salad and someone has Donuts you eat pizza with a fork Lady V no only if it’s like a deep deep dish pizza oh yes but see it well you know what if you eat you know what we all should eat pizza with a fork because then it becomes a [Laughter] salad yes not food eating pizza with a fork just oh oh oh wait it’s a salad maybe I’ll start eating pizza with a fork and tell everybody well I can see doing I honestly can see eating it with a fork with like the deep dish or the smother pizzas that are like almost like P you know but the thin crust I was going to say the thinner crust you should eat them with your hands but I can see it with a deep dish or um like a smothered those thick pizzas um I I could see doing that but yes I love this face yes or D says if it comes out scotting hot uh eat it with a fork to prevent Burns well it’ll cool down in enough time so everybody those are our memes for today I hope you enjoyed them and go get your salad you can either drink it um as a fruit cocktail um and a sangria um as a pizza with a big Crouton um and tomatoes snort poop is just sticks sticks his nose snout in a deep dish pizza and inhales weren’t they good they were some good memes um the memes tomorrow I’m telling you guys are going to be I think they’re going to be funny um I laughed at them I think you guys will like them so show up tomorrow for uh some more funny funny memes everybody so we’re going to remove that because we’re done with that yes we are oops I removed what did I remove I don’t know what I did there I did something weird oh well life life life life um it is 112 into the show 11112 in my neck of the woods which is the east coast of the United States and I hope you guys had a wonderful wonderful time um I um I really I you know I’m GNA take a second I’m gonna take a second here because it’s Monday I have I did lose a subscriber I have 229 subscribers I figured I was going to lose a subscriber um but I’m up to 229 subscribers I thank each and every one of you who has um helped me get that far um we’re slowly but surely climbing um up up the ladder I would much rather have a steady Pace um but we’re getting there we’re getting there and so thank you all for that I thank you all for participating um in in my shows hey Jerry how are you I hope you are doing well today did I miss you earlier in the chat did you say hello earlier and if I missed you I am sorry um but I am so I’m glad you’re here hello hello I’m glad you um snort poop says Dad man help you race you to bed a separate beds of course so um I I thank you if you were lurking thank you so much for lurking Jerry I I appreciate my lurkers as um oh you just got here so okay so uh welcome um we’re near the end of our show today so um go back and watch it the memes are very very funny um I I think you would like them so it’s time for me to say start my goodbyes so I’m gonna uh uh do my promos and all what I call it my Shameless promotions uh first off uh Team Park streamers they’re at 4,400 26 I think I said um they’re like almost $500 to their goal of $5,000 for the Children’s Hospital of Orange County um if you would like to help them out you can take this link and share it to all your social medias um that would be wonderful to help them get to their $5,000 goal before the walk the walk is in July so there is another month um so I don’t doubt that they will they will um make that that goal but thank thank you all for your support for that and uh the reason that uh dad man is asking why he will not sleep in the same bed with uh snort Poopers he says because he does not sleep with unicorns they’re too horny um so oh yes and Lady V says my here’s my uh uh Kofi page if you’d like to help me out um that would be fantastic um and there is my Throne also uh one is a donation and one is a gift this way you can I need to set it up where it it it shows them in the Stream I think I can do that with stream elements I just haven’t done it yet so that it just automatically pops up in there but yes if you could support them by sharing their link out that would be fantastic also on Tuesday which is tomorrow at 1 pm I am going to be doing a Blog party I will be building this mini building block black bear uh climbing a tree I just think it’s adorable um so um yes and then on Thursday we’re going to be doing a prairie dog uh earlier up in the chat I posted um the link to the adorable prairie dog a video short that Dad man did I am going to post it um here um on the YouTube and Lady V thank you so much for all those um uh links and everything um we have my twitch channel is here you’re on my YouTube channel um I have a a PO Box which is in the chat if you guys want to send me something there um I’ve just posted the link to the prairie dogs if you want to go see them uh I will be doing a build on Thursday of the prairie dogs I also will do impromptu streams uh building streams called blocking out the boredom uh you can follow me on Twitter or X or Twix whichever you want to call it at mdadm walking or threads at Mrs dadman walking no punctuation to get uh the uh notice about those impromptu streams talking about impromptu streams I am going to be doing a uh unboxing today um it could be anywhere between um probably two to four o’clock probably between 2 and 3:30 um I’m hoping to I’ve got to do some errands this morning hoping to get done so I can get back and do that stream today um I have my morning musics with Mrs dadman walking it’s what you’re watching right now U Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. Sunday through at 100 p.m. my PO Box dress address which Lady V has shared in the um chat you can check out my info pages on YouTube and twitch to find out that um uh address also um you can send stuff to Dad man walking 55 you can send stuff to Ango um our youngest who is a streamer on Twitch um so uh time to feed the Rugrat okay well thank you for being here Penny thank you for being here you saw a video where a prairie dog was screaming they they can they’re loud PR dogs are loud you can also support me support me on Kofi and Throne Lady V has also put those links u in the chat um I am not monetized on YouTube um I am monetized on Twitch so if you’d like to go over to Twitch and join And subscribe um you that would help me or you can uh support me on kofy which is a donation site or Throne which is a Creator wish list um anything would be greatly appreciated um I’m trying to um get some stuff to improve my streaming um and um I can only do that with we um if I can get support that way um I have bought a laptop which has helped tremendously um so I thank you all who have supported me um in the past it’s really um I really am getting stuff for the streams and thank you so much Mr Angel um have fun cooking and yes we did learn a lot about PR dogs on that trip and uh snow poop is are getting ready to Waddle off to the snooze bag and Lady V watches snorts waddle off um my live streams in vs YouTube at Mrs dadman walking 55 twitch Mrs dadman walking Twix M dadman walking uh that’s where you can get all the um information that you need the Twix is where I post an hour 30 and five minute reminders of my scheduled shows let’s check the poll out one final time we have 13 votes if you haven’t voted please vote um you’ll have about five seconds I like this flower best we have B of paradise tulip Orchid and Lotus I’m going to end the poll in about five seconds 5 4 3 2 one and the poll has ended and the winner is if it will show me oh I hey it when it does that it goes away I know the winner but I wanted to let me refresh this that is so annoying when it does that the uh winner of the poll is tulips at 46% Orchid at 30 B of paradise at 15 and Lotus at seven thank you all for the votes and yes tulips won yay that was actually our day today so everybody thank you so much for being here today and as always I will say see you next time and remember to be kind to show love you’re not promised tomorrow so go to bed each night with no regrets and most of all I wish you all peace bye-bye everybody and I hope you have a wonderful time uh whether it’s morning afternoon or evening in your neck of the woods bye for

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