How to cook my own version of ITALIAN BEEF STEW | Very Simple and So Easy

Beef Meat (lean meat) – 1 kilo
Olive Oil – 4 -5 tbsp
Chopped Garlic – 6-7 cloves
White Onion – 2 medium size
Carrots – 2 medium size
Crushed Black pepper – 1 tsp
Bay Leaves – 2-3 pieces
Tomato paste (Italian Style) – 1 tbsp
Water – 1.5 liters
Beef Broth Cube – 2 pieces
Tomato chunks – 380 grams (can)
Black Mushroom – 150 grams
Celery Chopped – 50 grams
Parsley Leaves – 20 grams
Red Wine – 60 ml

#italianbeefstew #beefstew #italianbeefstewrecipe

Beef stew recipe, how to cook beef stew, Italian beef stew recipe, easy beef stew, classic beef stew recipe, beef stew, Italian beef, Best beef stew recipe,


  1. cooking your own version of Italian beef stew sounds delightful! A simple and easy recipe, it's sure to fill the kitchen with tempting aromas and create a comforting meal.

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