No filter, of course.

by abanit


  1. -Miche11e-

    It’s a little over for me but I’d still eat it happily.

  2. banjodoctor

    That is by far the most delicious looking steak I have ever seen in my entire life. Absolutely brilliant. Breathtaking. Gorgeous. Mind blown.

  3. cconnorss

    You got that long cook bark, with the high heat perfect inside. How did you achieve this masterpiece? It’s almost paradoxical…. my brain can’t make it make sense!

  4. SmileParticular9396

    I’d smash the everloving fuck out of that

  5. External-Addendum877

    Smash and letting the whole team smash too

  6. Michael_in_Delaware

    Smash! What cut is that and how thick?

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