What level of doneness would you call this steak?

by Poupywonderrr


  1. LJGremlin

    It’s medium. It is a nice medium and was cooked evenly on both sides so that actually nice to see. But its definitely medium.

  2. Historical-Fun-8485

    I’m sometimes the ahole and I ask, what do you guys know how to do well? But i say it laughing, so they know I’m only half kidding. I’m serious.

  3. RhombicalJ

    On an unrelated topic, what is the name of people who communicate with the dead? :/

  4. wigglin_harry

    Its medium, but its probably what your average person thinks medium-rare is

  5. No-Journalist7179

    I’d call it between medium rare and medium. Closer to the medium side. Possibly because of insurance reasons. I’ve been to a few that state this reason because eating rarer meats has a higher potential to make you sick and they don’t want the liability. If the steak is good enough I’d enjoy it, I just make a note to never come back. If it’s truly that bad then ask for your compensation.

  6. DavidM47

    Medium defined by the lack of any red (which would make it medium rare) and the absence of any grey (which would make it medium well).

  7. inc0nSteveable

    Is the whole point of this sub people trying to figure out color? Or are we showing off steak in general. Legit curious.

  8. OffgridDining

    Perfect medium. What were you looking for?

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