Craving that classic New York halal cart taste? Try this delicious grilled chicken over salad and rice dish, just like the ones you find on the streets of NYC. Perfect for lunch or dinner!

8 Skinless boneless chicken thighs
1/2 teaspoon Paprika
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper
1 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon thymy dry leaves
two cloves of garlic crushed
1 1/2 tablespoons McCormick Very Good Garlic by Tabitha Brown, Salt Free
sriracha hot sauce

Goya box yellow rice
Salad iceberg lettuce and cucumber

White Sauce
1 cup mayonnaise (try to find one made of only egg yolks, not whole eggs)
¼ cup water
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
¼ teaspoon ground caraway
¼ teaspoon ground sumac
¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
Just a sprinkle of ground turmeric
Pinch of xanthan gum
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

[Music] every day cooking D cooking every day welcome in welcome back guys we’re doing chicken right we’re doing chicken that’s marinated in yogurt right it’s early in the morning right it’s first thing before we go to work so I got peppera right Brown um allpurpose seasoning we got black pepper we got cumin we got thyme right we got some olive oil we got onion we got garlic I’m going to go ahead put this all together and we’ll be right back all right guys so I’m going to go in with about I’m going say that’s 1 cup two cups of um yogurt right a whole our whole yogurt all right guys I’m just going to crush some garlic in real quick right three we going in with uh Browns um allpurpose seasoning one one teaspoon that’s a half a teaspoon half a teaspoon these are going to be all equal amounts right half a teaspoon of papera we got our thyme half a teaspoon we got cumin half a teaspoon we got kulta salt same thing half a teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper and then we got our lemon so about a table and a half of lemon juice from a half a lemon [Music] all right guys and then we mix we’re going to go in with some Sriracha just a couple of drops not too much right just a little bit probably about that much right you don’t have to put it but I’m going to do it just a little bit of kick right all right and then in goes our chicken and then we mix all right guys so we we got this all mixed up this is going in the refrigerator right this is going in the refrigerator for the next 9 to 10 hours or so right and um yeah we’ll see you in 10 hours we’ll be back all right guys we’re back home right so I was looks like it might rain so I going to try and get this done as fast as possible right I was going to do them inside like on The Griddle but just tastes so much better out here so I’m just going to give you guys a quick rundown on this Weber grill right here how to set it up cuz I see a lot of people well you know what we’ll get into that I’ll be right back I’m using lighter fluid [Music] [Music] right keep our chicken from sticking right all right so now I’m just going to go down without get our chicken I got one last one I have to put it on the outside here all right guys so I’m going to let this go for a few minutes and I’ll bring you back when we’re ready to flip all right guys let’s see if we’re going to release now still doesn’t want to release I’m on oh we got to flip this this one is going to burn on us come on I don’t want our meat to burn here we go this one’s coming right up see that one’s not over the Heat I’m just going to put the top on this all right guys it looks like it’s gotten the rain looks like we caught it just in time let me give you guys a quick oops let me give you guys a quick fly over real quick while it’s on the grill this is what our chicken looks like yeah baby this going to be some good eating right this is going to be some good eating all right guys so we board it inside and this is what we’re looking like right so I’m going to go ahead and make a plate I’m really just going to leave this like family style everybody can come in and take their own pieces right but I mean let me just hook up my plate all right guys just for ease of eating I’m going to go ahead and slice some of this up I have two thighs right all right guys so that’s it that’s our me that’s our meal for the evening right not too bad and guys I went together and went ahead and went online and found the white sauce really quick now if you’re from New York right you got to have the white sauce on your food right you got to have white sauce I’m going to just some white sauce here and then I’m going to go down then I’m going to go down with some uh hot sauce not too much just about that much right maybe a little bit more white sauce guys and if you are from new jork New Jersey and you got the Hala guys and all that stuff out there guys this is it this is dinner right now it may not be exact but it’s going to be sure enough close let’s give you a fly over quick fly over me take this Fork out of here give you guys a quick flyover that look good I think it does right think it looks delicious every day cooking dad cooking every single day take a look at some of these other recipes and let’s get cooking [Music] it’s is delicious


  1. Whenever you cook chicken it looks amazing, your blackened chicken recipe is what got me on your channel. Looks delicious!

  2. Beautiful and delicious roasted chicken. Rich aroma, delicious and tempting. Great recipe sharing. Thank you for showcasing the wonderful production process. Wishing you all the best. Minnie.

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