Celebrating 10 years with the wifey.

by Rawrgoeslion


  1. leatherface0984

    That looks really good! How’d it taste?

    Congrats on 10 years married!

  2. MaxFischer12

    Honestly one of the best crusts and edge to edge cooks I’ve seen on here. Bravo.

  3. beautifulcindy1

    The meat looks juicy and perfectly cooked.

  4. CriticalSpeech

    To me, this is the perfect color and temperature. What do people classify this as? Every time I ask for my steak medium rare, it is more done than this. If I ask for it rare, it comes out borderline raw.

  5. justherefortheshow06

    Yeah, that’s gonna do just fine.

  6. ass_smacktivist

    That is a steak befitting of a celebrating a decade of marriage. Good job OP…on both the food and the relationship.

  7. camehereforthebuds

    Excellent. Love the scallop addition as well. Congrats!

  8. TwistRevolutionary11

    Damn son, knocked it out the park. Congrats!

  9. Grand-Home-1334

    cooking it well done to excellent will give similar results.

  10. drop-kick-ho

    Congrats on ten years and congrats on a damn good steak!

  11. DontHaveAC0wMan

    How did you dry age at your house? Is it worth it vs going out to a high end steak house

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