Been battling root mealies for a couple months now. It all started when i took vacation and a neighbour watered our plants for us. When i returned i noticed they had been over watered. I manage to rescue some but others had to be tossed. A few weeks later i discovered the creepy white crawlers of death. I took the chilli plant and did a hydrogen peroxide dunk and repotted him with diatomaceous earth mixed in as he was the most severe infestation. The others I gave a good heap of diatomaceous earth and mixed it into the top layer of the soil.
The chilli plant had some more after a month or so so i added more diatomaceous earth. I still see more mealy bugs from time to time but they never seem to be moving so i’m hoping that means the diatomaceous earth has done its job.
But i just noticed that there are more on one of my Palermo pepper plants and these are moving! The others have very few moving ones and the ones that are, move quite slowly.
So my ultimate question: How can i get rid of these demons for good?! I am in a small city apartment so repotting and dunking often is a big inconvenience. Is there anything I can use just once and be done?!
by aligaterr