I posted this a while back on another sub, and thought you guys would appreciate it. They wanted a "Star Wars" themed burger. The topping choices where strictly based on whatever food related puns I could come up with. Lucky, it ended up tasting pretty good!

-Revenge of the Swiss
-The Empire Strikes Back Bacon
-Crispy fried Won Tauntauns
-Sweet Thai fighter chili sauce
-The Phantom Lettuce and Tomato
-Endor Aioli(because it's green?)

by Klarke_Kent


  1. Klarke_Kent

    Edit: “SkyWhopper”. Always proofread your post! Fml..

  2. I want this in my mouth right now. Do I get to keep the minifigure?

  3. barontaint

    This the way, but just out of curiosity are you cool with tomatoes on the bottom, sometimes they can slip out when combined with sauce if you don’t have a sturdy bun

  4. vldslausdrgulia

    Will put Gollum on top when I’ll make burgers for my niece 😀

  5. heckingzack

    How do you price a Lego figure. Has to be the most expensive thing on the plate.

  6. “Ah Young Shywhopper!”

    “You will join the dark side of the whopper!”

    “I’ll never join you or your evil whopper empire!”

  7. blamenixon

    I’m gonna need a mug of Java the Hutt after eating that.

    Ignore the haters, it looks great and the hard work is noticeable. Hopefully you didn’t slice any fingers on the Mandalorian.

  8. Fit-Fix-6373

    This looks amazing but I’m only eating it if I transform into a T-Rex

  9. MaximilianClarke

    I’m so over these scooby doo sandwiches.

  10. I’m meant to fit that in your mouth?? If you want your burgers bigger, spread them wider not taller

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