
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cumin
  • 1 tablespoon pepper
  • ¼ cup pimentón de la Vera, preferably agridulce
  • 1 whole, untrimmed beef brisket (about 10 pounds)
  • Barbecue sauce (see recipe)

    About 12 servings


    1. Heat oven to 210 degrees. Combine salt, sugar, cumin, pepper and pimentón in a small bowl. Dry brisket with paper towels and rub all over with spice mixture, pressing slightly to be sure it adheres.
    2. Put brisket on a baking sheet, and cook in oven 8 to 10 hours, turning every couple of hours, until meat is so tender that it falls off the fork when you try to lift it.
    3. Remove brisket from oven, trim off any excess fat and slice very thin against the grain. Serve, passing sauce separately.

    8 to 10 hours

    Dining and Cooking