Our website has various Asian vegetable seeds for sale. Click the link and check them out:
We really do not expect another Hurricane. But Tropical storm is approaching us and very lightly turning into severe Hurricane. We just had devastating Ian!! We built our raised bed and trellis structure to stand up to hurricane but our vegetables still are going to face the fierce winds and heavy rains. Kent is walking through the garden to show you what the garden look like before Nicole. We will see what it will be after Nicole. Fingers crossed!!


  1. Finally you guys are back! I'm loving these new uploads! and good luck with the hurricane!

  2. Glad to see you posting again, hope your garden fairs well in this storm, we're in Central Florida and the lake behind us flooded all around our house and my food forest in Ian. The 4 feet of water was finally receding and today looking out thankfully it only seems to be about a foot of water throughout the property. I'm feeling very pleased I hadn't put my new seedlings in as I'd been waiting for water levels to go down a bit more, so I'll be busy these next few weeks. Looking forward to following your updates, best to you all

  3. Today is Thursday, rain and windy… Storm is coming thru jacksonville soon.. Life in Florida…

  4. Are the strings staked into the ground next to each plant to keep them taught and in place?

  5. Great video explaining the benefits to your construction. I always loved the way you built the garden beds and how you use the trellis system. This is a bonus and I look forward to an update. I hope it all goes well for the whole family!.

  6. Hi, do you have a video about the shade cloth? I'm going to be moving to an area where it gets very hot 9 months of the year (highs usually around 38 degrees C!) and unsure of what I'll need to set up. Last year I added raised beds for vegetables to the design, but don't really have a plan to get the light/heat balance right.

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